Seek Your Freedom

Anchor Scripture:Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. John 8: 39

Further Reading: Joshua 24: 14 – 15; John 8: 31 – 36; Romans 6: 15 – 23;

One of the things I found so amazing in Christianity today is that we Christians are making a mockery of the basic tenets of our faith. Christians today are ignoring what they should take very seriously, but taking very seriously, things that should be ignored.
What I am saying, in essence, is that we Christians today deceive ourselves too much. Many church leaders are masters in deceits and crafts; they are like the Pharisees of old, washing the outside clean, but leaving the inside dirty (Mat. 23: 25 – 26).
You see brethren, most times when prayer points are called, I just laugh. You know why? It is because we are not sincere with God. Hear this and hear it well, man is not a slave to witches and wizards, nor any principalities and powers. THE ONLY THING MAN IS A SLAVE TO IS SIN. It is sin that makes a man vulnerable to these satanic messengers.
But Proverbs 16: 7 says When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” God has power over all powers and principalities to keep them quiet if we yielded ourselves unto Him. But as long as we dwell in sin, those powers will continue to dominate us because we are a slave to sin which happens to be their motivator/driver, and from which, they derive their legitimacy to torment man.

Brethren, no one who wants to FINISH STRONGLY with God will remain a slave to sin by continuing to commit sin. Apostle Paul admonished that sin should no longer be our master. It is not bad to have walked, wallowed and even lived in sin in the past, but it is worst to continue in it.
Therefore, on a final note, to FINISH STRONGLY with God, we must seek our freedom from sin. Stop seeking deliverance from witches and wizards, BUT SEEK DELIVERANCE FROM SIN for until you’re free from sin, you can’t be free from witches, wizards, principalities and powers!

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

Yours in Him,
Bro. Bidemi Oyedele
Bible-way Gospel Ministries (BGM)

FINISHING STRONG is the daily devotional of the BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES. For inquiries and questions, please call: 07064694037 or send a mail to


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