Honour God 2

Anchor Scripture: A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour?”Malachi 1: 6a

Scripture References: Genesis 19: 17 – 26; 1 Sam. 15: 1 – 3, 8 – 11; Prov. 1: 1 -8, 4: 1 – 13; John 14: 15 - 31

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

Yesterday, our Father spoke to us about the need to HONOUR HIM, which I believe strongly that many so-called children of God have either forgotten or like He said yesterday, are taking for granted, just because there are no immediate consequences for it from God. Today, to avoid anyone having a leeway in the teaching, God wants to teach us how to HONOUR HIM.

The first and most important step towards honouring God is OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD. Every other thing is attached to this. There are so many preachers in the world today and each come to us with different teachings, most of which are from the hottest depth of hell. For example, some have taught that kneeling down during prayers is honouring God. But when God was putting my book, Praying the Right Prayers” together, the question came up, and what the Holy Spirit said, saying, “what if a person is physically kneeling down, but they are standing up in their heart” terrified me. To some, closing your eyes and raising your hands while “worshipping”, is honour to God. I dare say these teachers and preachers only preach to please their congregations.
Our anchor Scripture this morning speaks it all. When you read that part of the Bible down a bit, you will see God saying that if we don’t honour Him, it means we despise Him because the things the children of Israel was being accused of there were things God had told them since the time of Moses as regards their offerings and so on.
In John 14: 15, 23, our Lord, Jesus Christ makes it very clear saying, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” and “If a man love me, he will keep my words: . . . .” From this Scripture (John 15: 15) it is established that obedience is a prerequisite to our receiving of the Holy Spirit. Brethren, the truth is that obeying somebody is the greatest sign of honour to that person whom we claim to love. We will be hypocritical if we refuse to obey somebody, yet say we love the fellow. It is obedience that will make us follow His precepts to the letter without trying to find ways around them because such precepts seemed inconvenient for us.

As we close today, people like Lot’s wife, Achan, Nadab and Abihu, Hophni and Phinehas, Samson, King Saul and a host of other people in the Bible could not FINISH STRONG with God because of their disobedience to God’s instructions.

Brethren, our ultimate goal as children of God MUST be to FINISH STRONG with our Father, so that we may see Him on the last day. One major way of ensuring that is to learn to OBEY HIM.

Till Monday when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

NB: Your suggestions and observations are welcomed. Kindly drop them in the comment box below. God bless you in Jesus’ name, amen.


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