Be Responsible

Anchor Scripture: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." - Psalms 51:17  

Scripture References: Genesis 3: 1 - 24; 2 Samuel 12: 1 - 13; Psalm 51: 1 - 7; Revelation 19: 1 - 9

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

One of the major reasons some Christians may not FINISH STRONG is because they resemble the first man,  Adam.  They lack oa sense of responsibility. What does that mean?

Having a sense of responsibility implies readiness to accept your personal inadequacies or faults whenever they come to the fore and or are pointed out by other people. But instead of this, some people practice what, in management circles is referred to as "passing the bulk". That is the tendency to look for another person to blame for one's personal inadequacies. In organizations, people like that either get sacked or they don't go far.

It seems everytime I study about David, I get to see yet another reason God chose him to be king over Israel and also called him,  "the man after my heart". There is a sharp contrast between the persons of Adam and David. After the Bathsheba error,  and David was confronted by Prophet Nathan, I observed that David never tried to look for a scapegoat, rather,  he accepted it to be his personal errors and said to the Prophet,  "I have sinned."

However,  Adam didn't do that. Instead, he looked for Eve who caused it all, saying, "And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." The question that came to mind is: why didn't he reject it when Eve offered it to him?  That's how people like that behave.

Having a sense of responsibility to accept one's personal inadequacies is the beginning of having a BROKEN SPIRIT and a CONTRITE HEART which are necessary for TRUE REPENTANCE. Let's always remember that according to our anchor Scripture this morning,  that is the sacrifice that God demands from us. None who doesn't have these will ever FINISH STRONG in and with God.

Our God is a merciful God,  full of compassion. If Adam had owned up and accept responsibility for the errors in Eden, maybe God could have pardoned them. But no! He chose to look for a scapegoat,  and lost it all with God!

As we round off today,  let's always remember that


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