Fear No Man

Anchor Scripture: "But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him." - Luke 12: 5

Scripture References: 1 Samuel 17: 32 - 51; Daniel 3: 8 - 30; Luke 12: 4 - 12; Acts 5: 17 - 42

 Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

One of the things I marvel at about Apostle Paul, but which I seriously crave from today's leaders of our faith because they lack it is, his incessant admonition to his converts, the need to put man in their place as mere men and God in His lofty and high position, as God, our Maker.

I happened to minister in a church a few years ago. In the course of the ministration, the Holy Spirit, NOT ME OF COURSE, among other things, touched on the issue of polygamy, that it is not for true children of God. After the ministration, the Resident Pastor of the church called me aside and told me that I shouldn't have spoken openly about polygamy like that. I asked him why, and he said that some of the women in the church are second wives in their homes. For him, those women affected by that message may stop coming to church because of that.

In something that looks like the first scenario above, a very good number of us are not only believing lies and heresies but also practicing them because they are what the founders of our denominations handed down. So, we fear to challenge the status quo even when we know, through the INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD that some of the practices are against the teachings of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ just because we fear men more than God. Many have the fear of being labeled a rebel, many, the fear of being ostracized, others, the fear of being unjustly punished, on and on like that. Many of us today fear these men who sit atop our churches, more than God; either because we want to look good to them or because of one favour or the other, or better still, to avoid punishment.

Jesus Christ, in our anchor Scripture today, tells us whom we should fear. And reading downwards, Luke 12: 8 - 9, He admonished us to defend Him before men. Brethren, as we continue to believe lies and heresies and also practice them alongside the others in our congregations, we are denying Jesus Christ. But we will always pray to Him as our advocate in heaven. Please, stop deceiving yourself: IF JESUS CHRIST MUST ADVOCATE FOR YOU IN HEAVEN, YOU MUST DEFEND HIM HERE ON EARTH BEFORE MEN BY STANDING UP FOR THE TRUE GOSPEL, NOT HERESIES!

As we close today, our FINISHING STRONG in and with God is mostly dependent on standing up for the TRUE GOSPEL of Christ. We MUST NOT continue to fear men and neglect what Christ demands from us. The three Hebrew guys in Daniel 3 were not angels. Yet, they confronted the mighty king of Babylon and told him to his face, saying, we will rather die than practice your heresy.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

For suggestions and inquiries, please, call 07064694037, or send mail to bwgospelministries@yahoo.com.


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