Honour God

Anchor Scripture: “. . . them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” – 1 Samuel 2: 30b

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

One of the banes of our humanity is forgetfulness, stemming from our tendency to become so familiar with something such that we forget who or what they are and we begin to take them for granted. Many people have through this lost their lives, especially, with automobiles.

Sometimes, people get so familiar with their fellow humans to the extent that it becomes difficult for them to draw the lines, no matter how thin. For example, some wives gets so familiar with their husbands, and more so because of certain leverages the husband gives, such that they tend to forget that he is still the man of the house. Their responses whenever their attentions are called to the things they are taking for granted will be like “it’s my husband now, he wouldn’t mind.” Brethren, as it is often said, we must “give honour unto whom it is due.” This piece of advice is without any prejudice to the kind of relationship that might have existed between us and the person in the past.

I have observed that what hindered some people from FINISHING STRONG is the fact that they got so familiar with God that they stealthily lost their respect for the Almighty. To such people, “God understands.” Such people undoubtedly belong to the Eli generation. Eli, a descendant of Levi, rested upon the promise God had made earlier and the fact that his children had always been recalcitrant without any stiff consequence to take God for granted until God decided to change His mind about the family.

Brethren, the fact that God is not acting spontaneously today as before is making many people to be taking Him for granted. Although, some preachers have made people believe that we are only to honour God with our substances; cars, houses, money and so many things as if God has a need for any of them.

Honour connotes respects, which emanates from the value we place on the person or object. With respects to God, the way we honour God is a function of how much He means to us. It is a function of the value we place on Him, as God. Honouring God is a thing of one’s heart. So, it must not be done perfunctorily, but wholeheartedly. For anyone that wants to FINISH STRONG, honouring God MUST become a habit. I pray God will help us to honour Him in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

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