Tell People About God 2

Anchor Scripture: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”Luke 19: 10

Scripture References: Isaiah 57: 14 – 21; Malachi 3: 1 – 5; Matthew 3: 1 – 6; Luke 3: 3 – 6; John 1: 19 - 34

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

There is no gainsaying that most Christians today either do not know the actual reason Jesus Christ came and died for the world, or they are confused about what the reason really was; no thanks to motivational speakers-turned pastors and prosperity preachers who led the legions for the proliferation of the body of Christ.

Our anchor Scripture this morning points to the exact and singular reason Jesus Christ was made to suffer for the world. And this is the reason we need to talk to people about God. This morning, the Holy Spirit says He will like to highlight just THREE reasons we must speak to people about God. May our hearts be opened to receive the Word in Jesus' name, amen.

First, during the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He had no other message than that people should relinquish their sins and begin to live righteous lives in order to make it into the Kingdom of God. He did this with many illustrations in terms of parables. ANY OTHER THINGS HE DID IN TERMS OF MIRACLES WERE NEVER HIS MESSAGE, BUT THEY WERE DONE THAT THE PEOPLE MAY BELIEVE THAT HE WAS TRULY THE MESSIAH. Unfortunately, those are the things people seek and preach today. So, by telling people about God, you will be fulfilling the exact purpose of Jesus’ coming and dying for the world.

Next, by telling people about God, you will be fulfilling the heavenly mandate given His followers while leaving the world finally. And when you do that and win souls into the Kingdom, it means you are a true child of God because you are doing the work of your Father.

Another reason you need to tell people about God is that it has a way of ensuring that you yourself don’t veer off the track. Sincerely speaking, I found out that most of the time I have strayed away from God were times I kept my mouth quiet and didn’t speak to people about God. The reason for that I may not understand, but brethren, it is the truth.

FINISHING STRONG in and with God, therefore brethren is more than just attending churches every Sunday or at some other times during the week, or maybe belonging to one unit or the other in the church. The Holy Spirit did say it in one of our pieces in the past that WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING THAT DOES NOT DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTE TO PEOPLE’S SALVATION IS NOT GOD’S WORK; just a religious assignment!

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

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