Seek the Light

Anchor Scripture: Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8: 12

Further Reading: Psalm 34; 10; Proverbs 28: 5; Amos 5: 6a; John 15: 1 – 7; Acts 17: 27; Ephesians 6: 10 – 13;

The importance of light to man cannot be overemphasized. That is the reason that even God Himself had to call out “the Light” before any work of creation could be done (Genesis 1: 1 - 4). Darkness is inimical to a normal living life because it hampers and destroys.

The Bible makes it clear that the whole world lies in wickedness (1 John 5: 19) which is a manifestation of the power of darkness (Ephesians 6: 10). It is a known fact that the only antidote to darkness is light. That is the reason the Bible says clearly that the light was made manifest was to destroy the works of darkness (1 John 3: 8).

Unfortunately, it is not everyone in the church, and by extension, the world today, that has light with which they could overcome the darkness surrounding them. There are many, even in the church that still walks in darkness, even though they don’t do the works of darkness. Unfortunate still is the fact that not doing the works of darkness does not exonerate anyone who walks in darkness because they don’t have light.

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In our anchor Scripture today, Jesus Christ declares Himself as the light of the world (and His testimony is TRUE) that is capable of dispelling the darkness in the world. Therefore, everyone that wants to FINISH STRONG MUST ESSENTIALLY HAVE THE LIGHT. If anyone does not have the Light, they are bound to fall by the wayside. Such are the ones who started well but ended poorly. A good example is Samson in the Bible. I pray that will not be your portion in Jesus' name, amen.
Please, if you have not Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour yet, you are yet to have the Light. Seek Him. You will find Him. May the Lord help us all in Jesus name, amen.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

Yours in Him,
Bro. BidemiOyedele
Bible-way Gospel Ministries (BGM)

FINISHING STRONG is the daily devotional of the BIBLE-WAY GOSPEL MINISTRIES. For inquiries and questions, please call: 07064694037 or send a mail to


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