Tell People About God

Anchor Scripture: . . . joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth . . . .”Luke 15: 7

Scripture References: 2 Kings 5: 1 – 18; Isaiah 52: 1 – 12, 61: 1 – 3; Luke 15: 1 – 7; Romans 10: 12 - 15
Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, while going finally, gave us all an assignment to go into the world and tell the people about Him (Matt. 28: 19 – 20). However, many people today just go to church to seek one miracle or the other without doing what the Master commanded. That is one of the reasons the miracles are not forthcoming because you refused to run God’s errand, but you want Him to give you the rewards meant for those who are obedient. That is one of the reasons your Pastor is prospering, he is telling the world about God (Matt. 28: 19 – 20), while you keep languishing in poverty because your mouth is perpetually shut against the Word of God.

A little Israelite girl found herself a common maid (slave) in the land of Syria, a pagan country that came to ravage Israel through a war. On getting there, she found herself a maid to the wife of the chief warrior, Naaman, whose host took her away from the comfort of her parents and native land and whose generousity changed her status from being a free individual to a savage.

The little slave girl, however, did not allow the Syrians’ brutality in war to stop her from proclaiming the name of God Israel. I mean, she refused to loathe her precarious situation, she went ahead, opened her mouth and announced that there is a God in Israel who could do all things, including healing Naaman of his shameful disease, leprosy. Naaman heard and the rest, today, is history.
Ordinarily, that is where most preachers see in that story, but the greatest miracle that happened in that chapter of the Bible which most preachers don’t ever and may never see is the salvation of Naaman’s soul. In verse 17 and 18 of that 2 Kings 5, Naaman, a pagan, became born-again! He gave his life to God. By implication, given his position in Syria, he wouldn’t have less than fifty people in his house. And if the man of the house has believed, who else in the house wouldn’t?

So, a large number of people gave their lives to God (Jesus Christ), just because one small slave girl decided to announce God.  God, therefore, decided to reward her by ensuring that the story was written down for generations upon generations, as long as the world lasted, learn about her. By implication, she FINISHED STRONG with God!

As we close today, if you desire to FINISH STRONG in and with God, open your mouth and tell people about God.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

NB: for questions and inquiries, please call 07064694037 or send a mail to


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