Don’t Be Willingly Ignorant
Anchor Scripture: “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the
heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the
water: .” – 2 Peter 3: 5
References: Joshua 1: 8 – 9; John 8: 31 – 38; 2 Peter 3: 1 – 13;
from the Throne of Grace!
Of the many
scourges in the world today, the one I have found to be the deadliest is that
of willful ignorance; I will
It is safer,
or so I think, to be oblivion of the dangers attached to something and got
involved in and with it than to be fully aware of these dangers, and yet, go
ahead and get involved in and with them. The latter is very rampant today in
Christianity in that most Christians know what the Word of God says, but they
will willfully be doing the opposite that their false teachers and preachers
are telling them, just because it suits their flesh.
You are
willfully ignorant when you know the right things to do, but you refused to do
them. The teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ in John 8: 32 is that “you
shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Willful ignorance
is the reason many Christians are still suffering today because they decided to
put themselves under unnecessary bondage of religion, thereby making themselves
slave of religion, when the infallible
Word of God has already declared that they are free. The truth is that most
Christians worship man, not God, all in the name of doctrines when the Holy
Spirit, through Apostle Paul clearly warned in 1 Corinthians 3 that doctrinal
Christianity is carnal.
asked me sometimes ago what our doctrines in the Bible-way Gospel Ministries are.
I simply replied, “Jesus Christ.” He asked me what I meant by that and I
replied that what Jesus Christ did is what we believe and will do, and whatever
He didn’t do can’t be found with us.
Brethren, willful
ignorance is self-destructive. But the good news is that you could break free
from it by getting accustomed to the Word of God. God tells us in Joshua 1: 8
that we must, day and night, continually meditate in the Word to break free
from willful ignorance. Jesus Christ, too, warned us against false teachers.
Both Apostles Peter and Paul warned us also of scoffers who will creep in among
us. With all these, the fault will be yours, if you still belong to the group
of Christians I call “my Pastor said, G.O
said, papa said, my prophet said, our founder said . . . .”
As we round
off today, FINISHING STRONG in and with God requires exercising your freedom
as a child of God by breaking free from the shackles of religion which God
calls “wisdom and philosophies of men.”
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful
journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!
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