Beware of Little Foxes

Anchor Scripture: Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: . . . .” – SOS 2: 15

A fox, by nature is an animal, of the dog family and very cunning. It walks about stealthily and often strikes and catches its prey unawares, most of the times. It is a very quick and clever animal, and often, deceives its prey to catch it. When they are young (little), they appear harmless, but in actual fact, could destroy whole farmland. The story of how Samson caught three hundred foxes and used them to destroy the Philistines’ farmland (Judges 15: 1 – 5) will tell us the havoc foxes, little as they are, could wreck if not quickly taken care of.

Foxes are being used here metaphorically. In spiritual parlance, foxes mean “little, little sins”, of which one may not really be aware, or which one may want to or sometimes count as inconsequential, especially, when they don’t curry immediate punishment from God. Examples of these are lies, pilfering (little, little stealing, maybe at work or at home), sinful text messages or messages on social media, fornication, pornography, caressing the opposite sex, backbiting, secret hatred for another person, sinful thoughts, and a host of other “little, little sins”, most of which we do, especially when we are alone on our own or alone with the sin partner.

"foxes mean “little, little sins”, of which one may not really be aware, or which one may want to or sometimes count as inconsequential"

The wise man, Solomon, in our anchor scripture today says, the little foxes spoil the vine. In John 15: 1 – 2, Jesus Christ declared himself as the Vine, and we, the branches that make up the vine. And He warned against us, the branches, not producing fruits. Now the foxes could climb a tree and destroy the fruits.  That is exactly what the “little, little sins” do to us as children of God. They destroy our ability to be functional for God, and thereby render us useless in the Vine.

As a matter of fact, every soul who wishes to FINISH STRONG in the Lord must do what the wise man says today: take the little foxes (and killing them). Two major ways to take the little foxes are to: (1) abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5: 22), and (2) Renewing your mind (with the Word of God (Romans 12: 1- 2; Psalm 119: 11)

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

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