Anchor Scripture: Romans 8: 1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” 

Focus Scripture: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalm 91: 1

Scripture References: 1 Kings 13: 11 – 32; Psalm 91: 1 – 16; John 15: 1 – 5; Romans 8: 1 – 14; 1 Peter 5: 6 – 11;

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

Growing up in my little village in Southwest Nigeria, I understood some big guys constituted themselves into nuisances of some sort; they were bullies and could beat anyone up at any time and wherever either at the slightest provocation or even at no provocation at all, all they needed was to come up with a flimsy excuse, and the next minute, one gets the beating of his life.

But I also discovered that mean as these guys were, they will never go to anyone’s father’s house to beat them up. No, they would stay outside and ask their target to come out and meet them if they were sure of themselves. If the target then refused to leave their father’s house, the bullies go away and be waiting, lurking in the streets.

Brethren, I see the same scenario playing out between the children of God and our adversary, Satan. Note what the Bible says in our focus Scripture this morning. We see the truthfulness of this Scripture play out in the life of Job in Job 1: 10 – 11 when Satan said categorically that he could not touch Job because God had made an edge around him and all that were his. And until God removed the edge to prove Satan wrong that Job was not serving Him because of what he’d gotten, Satan could not touch Job and all that he had.

Dear children of God, the corollary remains plausible for us today too because that same God is still God (Hebrews 13: 8). As long as we are in Him, there is nothing the devil and his agents can do to us. That’s a fact! They may try, but as long as we remain in the Lord, they will always fail, just as Satan himself failed at the beginning (Revelation 12: 1 – 17). Our victory and triumph over all the adversities of life and Satan himself are in remaining in Jesus Christ because according to the book of Colossians 1: 16 – 17. He is their potter, and there is no way what was made will be more powerful than its maker (Jer. 18: 1 – 6).

"As long as we are in Him, there is nothing the devil and his agents can do to us."

Some preachers who want to make a profit off you will hammer on Ephesians 6: 12, leaving the other part, verses 13 - 18 out, but I tell you this morning that there is no need to fear those powers and principalities if you are in the One who made them in the first place. Like I always say, those powers and principalities are cudgels in the hand of God; they are meant to whip us back Home whenever we strayed. They are like the bullies of my growing years that I mentioned first this morning. The fear of getting beat up did keep us small boys IN OUR FATHERS’ HOUSES and I believe, should also for Christians today.

Unfortunately, what I found among Christians today is that most of us want to be seen and called the children of God, but also wants to keep our identity with the world. The scourge is all over the Christendom today; it is not limited to one denomination. While some are peeping through the window, some are already on the veranda, and some are such that they spend one day at Home and two or three days outside. That is the simple reason Satan seems to be more powerful today, than God, and he is afflicting supposed children of God. In a book, “Psalm 91: 1”, God inspired me to write, that would be released soon, God explained the concept of “abiding”.

I said in one of my Sunday schools one day that no TRUE child of God can die young. Unfortunately, the founder of that church died young. And the people were like, really? And I said “yes” and opened Scriptures for them. He could have mistakenly peeped through the window and got struck by the arrow of the enemy; that’s a possibility. You see brethren; there are many things we confuse today because of the many wrong teachings of the past. That you are going to church or even founded a church does not mean you are a TRUE child of God. We will come to that soon if the Holy Spirit permits.

As we close this morning, I want you to know that as long as you remain at Home in Jesus Christ, no condemnation can come to you. No affliction can come to you if you are sure you are TRULY in Him. And if you are, but if you are passing through some unpleasant situation, know that it is a test of your faith, like that of Job; you will come out victorious if you refused to leave Home. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him. 
We will like to have your feedback on the content of this Christian blog. Please, tell us whatever you may feel we need to work on. We will prayerfully consider it and see their workability. And if you are being blessed by the Word of God herein, share it or invite your friends to also come and enjoy the goodness of God.

Thank you and God bless.


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