Do Not Love Pleasures

Anchor Scripture: But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. – 1 Timothy 5: 6

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

The normal human nature has the natural tendency to avoid pains and all displeasures at all costs. It tends to hate anything that causes it to experience a change in its natural habitat and comfort zones. The tilt therefore, albeit at all times, is towards enjoyment and crave for all pleasures it could get, even when it can’t get it, it decides to live on others, like a mistletoe.

Man is a tripartite; body (flesh), soul and spirit. The part that craves that comfort afore-spoken about is the body, the flesh. The Bible makes us understand that the part of us that sin is the flesh (Romans 7: 18 – 24). This flesh is always in opposition to the spirit, with which God communicates. We use our spirits to serve God (John 4: 24). It, therefore, follows that the spirit is not given to pleasures.

In our anchor Scripture, the Holy Spirit spoke through Apostle Paul this morning that whoever lives in pleasure is living in death. Why? That is because in pleasure is sin, and we all know that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6: 23). Sin resides right inside various kinds of pleasures that our flesh craves. That is why we are admonished to mortify the flesh (Romans 8: 13; Colossians 3: 5) so that we may not live according to the dictates of our flesh, which is sin.

"whoever lives in pleasure is living in death"

In Matthew 6: 24, Jesus Christ warned that “No man can serve two masters . . . .” That is, you cannot claim to love God and at the same time love pleasures (sin). Even though some churches and pastors make us understand today that we can live in both worlds at the same time, the Bible does not teach us so. Pleasures are entanglements. They are distractions to us in our Kingdom race, and they are capable of making us fall. Too much sleep, drunkenness, smoking, partying, outward adornment of the body, such as using ornaments, pieces of jewelry, make-ups, bogus arrangements of the hair, improper dressings, fornication, adultery, lasciviousness, and others like them are all the pleasures from which we must run.

"you cannot claim to love God and at the same time love pleasures (sin)"

We are warriors of Christ, and no warriors entangle themselves with civilian affairs (2 Tim. 2: 4), lest they fall at the battlefront. Therefore, as Christ’s soldiers that MUST FINISH STRONG in Him, we cannot afford to allow pleasures that belong to people of the world deny us our places and crowns in the Kingdom.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

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