LIVING IN HIS PRESENCE: Be Filled with His Spirit

Anchor Scripture: Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? – Psalm 24: 3

Focus Scripture: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” – Romans 8: 14

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!
Thank God, it’s another beautiful Friday, and we will have time, over the weekend, to reflect on everything we have learned from the Holy Spirit this week because without any doubt, it’s been awesome living in His presence.
It was said yesterday that being continually found in Him, being acquainted with Him, and being able to be at peace in Him are all subject to our obedience to Him. Yet again, being obedient to Him itself is a function of being filled with His Spirit.  
The Bible admonishes us to have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2: 5 – 9). But the question is, how did Jesus Christ become so humble and obedient to God even unto death on the Cross? Jesus Christ Himself then answered it by telling us that He has a Spirit (John 14: 16 – 18, 26, 15: 26, 16: 7 – 15). So, the understanding, therefore, is that Jesus Christ was led to be humble and obedient to God by the Holy Spirit that was in and with Him. Little wonder then that He was called the Son of God according to what the Bible says in our Focus Scripture today.
Brethren, it was made clear last week that doing the Will of God is a prerequisite to FINISHING STRONG in God. And it was also made clear that knowing and doing the Will of God is not in the power of any man, except we have His Spirit (1 Cor. 2: 11). It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to yield to God, whatever His demands of us are.
"It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to yield to God, whatever His demands of us are."
It then follows, brethren, that whoever does not have the Spirit of God, is automatically not a child of God because such can neither know the Will of God nor do it (Romans 8: 5 – 14). As such, such a person can also not live in His presence. Let me say to us this morning that the Holy Spirit is our Spiritual DNA. Anyone calling themselves Christians or Believers but has not the Spirit of God is only living in self-deceit, which is very dangerous unto the Last Day.
"the Holy Spirit is our Spiritual DNA"
But many, filling the numbers and spaces in the church today, live that dangerous life of self-deceit because they are not born-again yet (Matt. 7: 16 – 20), and except you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, born-again, you can’t have the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the Power that confirms our Sonship in God (John 1: 12; Acts 1: 8). It could then be said that anyone without the Spiritual DNA of God, the Holy Spirit, is not a child of God, a bastard, and can therefore not live in His Presence because God Himself has so declared (Deut. 23: 2).
"except you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, born-again, you can’t have the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the Power that confirms our Sonship in God"
As we close this morning, brethren, you need to come out of the spiritual deceit of the past and the gospel of comfort of today that tells you that as long as you attend church or be of good behaviour, you are a child of God. You need to come out of that spiritual deceit that tells you that whenever you are in church, you are in the presence of God. As said on Monday, the Presence of God is everywhere and as His children, we are carriers of His Presence. But that will not be possible if we do not have His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our ticket to living in His Presence.
"the Presence of God is everywhere and as His children, we are carriers of His Presence"
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!

N.B. Please, that God will fill you with His Spirit to enable you to live in His Presence in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.
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