LIVING IN HIS PRESENCE: Seek Him (Wholeheartedly)

Anchor Scripture: Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? – Psalm 24: 3

Focus Scripture: And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29: 13

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!
You are welcome to another beautiful week in which the Lord has made it possible for us to meet in His Divine Presence again. We return all the glory to Him for the past beautiful weekend. May His grace keep us for many more if He tarries in coming back again, and if He chooses to come, may He find us in Him, functioning, anytime, in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.
As was said last week, we shall be using this week in His Presence to examine the second part of this long series, Living in His Presence. This second part shall be examining what qualifies us to live in His Presence. This becomes necessary in the light of the stern warning our Lord and Saviour gave in Matthew 7: 21, saying, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; . . . .”  That is, not every professing Christian is destined to make heaven. May we be counted worthy on the Last Day in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.

The first thing that qualifies us to live in His presence is our desire to seek Him, seek Him wholeheartedly. You may remember that one of the points raised last week as one of the things that will tell whether one is Living in His Presence or not is being Acquainted with Him; that is, having a deeper, more than ordinary or common knowledge of Him. Our experience and knowledge of Him MUST transcend what people have told us or are telling us about Him.

Brethren, the above will only be possible when we dare to seek Him, wholeheartedly, as written in our Focus Scripture this morning. Seeking Him wholeheartedly will require us to develop the Psalmist’s attitude of seeking the Lord in panting after Him (Psalm 42: 1) and setting Him before us (Psalm 16: 8), or Job’s unquenchable thirst and hunger for Him; our feet must hold His steps, keeping His way and not declining it as well as not going back on His commandments (Job 23: 8 – 12).

In seeking the Lord, there must be an unquenchable fire of desire to find Him, in our hearts. Let me warn that as Job experienced, God does sometimes decides to hide Himself from His children. This kind of time, though tough, is the time that the real Power and the mark of God come on those who refuse to go back. It is the time when one will pray round the clock without getting any answer from God. It is the time one expects a shower from heaven, but not even a drop will come. It is the time one will expect a beam of light from heaven, but even a single ray will not come. God does hide Himself like that for two major reasons: to ascertain one’s desire to truly seek Him (Job 1: 6 – 12; Matthew 15: 26) and, two, to really engraft us into Himself.  Christians who skip this school of spiritual darkness don’t FINISH STRONG with God because it is a period of serious spiritual examination by God to ascertain how genuine we are to and in Him. It was the experience garnered in this school that made the difference between King Saul and King David. Most times, preachers often forget or deliberately refuse to tell us that Elijah first went to Zarepath before he got to Mount Carmel. (If you desire an explanation of that part of the Bible and its significance to our Christian race, leave a comment in the comment box below).

Time and space will not allow us to talk about what to do and how to handle such situations here now, but I am trusting the Holy Spirit to permit us in due season in Jesus’ name.

As we close this morning, let it be clear to us that God will not force Himself on anyone (Gen. 6: 3). The onus, therefore, is on us to go all out to look for Him, and find Him. If we must live in His Presence, we must seek and find Him. Our FINISHING STRONG is anchored on Living in his Presence, which will only be possible when we seek Him, wholeheartedly, and find Him.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!
N.B. Please, pray that God will strengthen and encourage you in this spiritual adventure in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.
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