Anchor Scripture: Psalm 24: 3 

“Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?”  

Focus Scripture: I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”– Psalm 32: 8


Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

One of the major impacts a father could have on his children is providing them a sense of direction. In fact, fatherhood will be rendered meaningless if the children are left rudderless. And if anyone must FINISH STRONG in anything and even with and in God, one inalienable requirement is a sense of direction. That is why God says in Hosea 4: 6 that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: . . ."

God provides us with the reason this is so in Jeremiah 10: 23, saying, “. . . I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” It is because of this fact and the fact that He's a good Father that God, in our Focus Scripture this morning, is offering to give us a sense of direction; to instruct and teach us, tell us the way we should go and even guide us with His own eyes. That is a very, very rare privilege! But it is ours for the taking. Praise the Lord! 

Despite the availability of this great opportunity, not to miss the way, however, what I observe is a Christian fold containing people that operate in terms of what was said of the children of Israel by Prophet Micaiah in 2 Chronicles 18: 16, saying, “. . . I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd: . . . .” Some, and most of the time, we turn ourselves in the wrong directions because we failed to seek the right counsels in guidance. Sometimes, some people will follow their own minds,  while at some other times, they turn their attentions to human mentors who employ what the Bible calls “wisdom and philosophy of men”, and which the Bible says God has turned into foolishness, to provide them with guidance. Job admonished us that “With the ancient is wisdom; and . . . he hath counsel and understanding. (Job 12: 12 – 13).


Instead of turning to a man who only use your yesterday and today to forecast your future, why don’t you turn to your creator Who already knew the end even before you ever started? While oftentimes, human counsels are often forecasts, based on what happened sometimes ago or on humanly formulated theories and principles, the counsel and guidance of God is not a forecast; it’s ALWAYS REALITY! 

Many of us have, many times, wondered why God will call a man like David, "a man after my heart". I once wondered so, too, but it was in the course of putting together a book He used my hand to write, "SEVEN KEYS OF DAVID" that God revealed as one of the keys, David's absolute dependence on God. Severally, in the Psalms, he showed this. He never relied on man, but solely on God (Psalm 60: 11, 108: 12, 121: 2, 146: 3). That's one of the major reasons he was able to FINISH STRONG, unlike Saul, his adversary who went to a medium for counsel (1 Samuel 28: 7 - 14).

Examples abound in the the Bible of people who sought and or followed God's counsel or directions, and were never disappointed. Elijah was instructed to go to the small and hot village called Zarephath to stay with a widow who had nothing. He did, and for as long as he was there, he never hungered (1 King 17: 9 - 16). David got distressed because some Amalekites came to raid his abode at Ziklag, while still in the bush. He didn't just started pursuing them, but he sought the counsel of God whether to go after them or not. God said yes, and the Bible says, he recovered all that were taking from him (1 Samuel 30: 1 - 18). 

The book of Proverbs 3:6 counsels thus: "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" That is, in whatever we plan to do, we must let God know that we're depending on Him and that whatever He says will be final. Please, read Proverbs 14: 12, 16: 25; John 15: 1 - 7)

As we round off this morning, the popular book of Matthew 7: 7 is instructive. If you requested directions from God, He will give it. A caveat however is that if you have been found to be a perpetual disobedient child, God may not answer you. See the case of Saul cited above. 

Finally, as I always tell people: God will not ask you to do an impossible thing, but He will ask you to do a difficult thing. One thing you can be sure of however is that He will never abandon you, as any man would do, but He will be with you all the way. All you need do is ask for His direction and when He speaks, follow it. That's one major way of FINISHING STRONG! 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him. 

N. B.  Please, pray that God will strengthen your faith in Him and give you a heart to always acknowledge Him in all your undertakings

God bless you richly! 


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