Anchor Scripture: Psalms 86:9

"All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name."

Focus Scripture: Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”1 Samuel 15: 22b


Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

 All through the Scriptures, one major factor that determined whether one man was to be accepted by God or not, was the obedience to God’s commands. Most of the times that He disowned His people, the Israelites, and left them to the mercies of their enemies, they disobeyed Him.

God hates disobedience and He never overlooked it for once (Proverbs 11: 21). His hatred for disobedience is the reason He sees it as a rebellion, that is, a challenge of His authority and majesty, and He likened it to witchcraft and idolatry (1 Samuel 15: 23). This tells us how well our Father hates disobedience. God’s punishment for disobedience has always been very grave: it cost Saul the throne, it brought a generational curse on the house of David (the apple of God’s eyes), it turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt and it sent Adam and Eve out of comfort into toils and turmoil. We can go on and on, but for time and space.

Let’s start by saying obedience is the lubricant that eliminates frictions in our relationship with God. Obedience is the pillar on which faith rests. It would be foolhardy for a disobedient person to say they have faith in God because obedience to God’s command is the first step in faith. It was obedience to God’s commands that turned Abraham to God’s friends, not necessarily faith because a refusal to obey God would have meant that he had no faith in God and invariably turned him into God’s enemy. Let’s for today, end it by saying obedience is the parent of faith. So, when next you see anybody shouting “you must have faith”, what they are saying in essence, which they too may not be aware of is that “you must obey God”.

Honour and worship work hand in hand. The position is therefore true that for anyone to qualify for another's worship, they must be honourable. Even in the world today, people worship those they honour. Worship is a way of giving honour unto whoever we believe deserves it; the case of the twenty-four elders in Revelations 4: 10 – 11, discussed on Monday suffices here. Sarah worshipped Abraham, her husband, and called him “my lord.”

It is only those that we honour that we obey. Therefore, obedience is a form of worship because worship requires some level of penitence and submission which are what make us obey whosoever we obey. So, show me a man that is obedient to God, and I will show you a man who truly worships God Almighty.

Beloved brethren, as we close this morning, the point the Holy Spirit is making as regards worshipping God is that no one can remain in disobedience to God's Word and come into any congregation and be lifting "holy hands" in the presence of God as we have all over our congregations today. Such a person will only be deceiving themselves. Grace, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, is not a license to sin, but enablement to live holy lives unto God, our Father. So, if you really desire that your worship gets through to God, OBEDIENCE IS KEY! But in relation to our yesterday's lesson, no one can obey God without having His Spirit (Romans 8: 7 - 8).

Finally brethren, we must draw a line between obedience to God and obedience to church rules, called doctrines, laid down by founders and church leadership. As the Holy Spirit has taught us in the past, these are two different things. The practices all over the places today is to emphasize the church rules,  but make a little mention of God's rules. You,  as a true child of God must be able to know when church rules are being emphasized to the detriment of God's. As my Teacher have emphasized to me,  over and over again, God's rules supersede church rules, and whenever any church rules contrary to what the doctrine of Jesus Christ as espoused in the Bible says, I am always led to follow God's. That is why we need the discerning Spirit of God. I pray God will help us in Jesus Christ's mighty name Amen. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.

N. B. Please, pray that God will enable you, through His Spirit to always obey Him in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.

If you are not sure of having the Holy Spirit just yet, pray and ask God for Him that you may start to obey God in Jesus’ name. Amen.

God bless you! Amen.


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