LIVING IN HIS PRESENCE: You Will Be Saved and Live Long

Anchor Scripture: Psalm 24: 3 

“Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?”  

Focus Scripture:With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.– Psalm 91: 16


Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

Wow, it’s another Friday! What a time Living in His Presence! My prayer is that we shall never depart His Presence in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.

Let me quickly use this opportunity to appreciate those of you who have called or sent messages to appreciate the good work the Lord is doing with FINISHING STRONG DEVOTIONALS. Thank you for your testimonies of how God is using it to bless you and your families. Thank you for calling my attention whenever I post late. Thank you for keeping me on my toes in Him. Thank you for helping me fulfill my DIVINE mandate. I appreciate you, all. My prayer is that the good Lord will uphold us all and help us FINISH STRONG in Him in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today being the last day in this long series, God is releasing a double-barreled set of rewards for living in His Presence. They are that anyone who lives in His Presence will be SAVED and also, LIVE LONG!

As children of God, we need to be aware that our tendency to live long bears on our being saved. And I believe we are aware that our salvation is a prerequisite to Living in His Presence. In essence, anyone that is not saved cannot live in His Presence. Such people are at the mercy of the devil and Satan could decide to pounce on them at any time. The only person that Satan has no power over is the one who is Living in the Presence of God because God will be His refuge (Job 1: 9 – 12; Psalm 27: 5, 31: 20, 91: 1 – 2, 4).

"our tendency to live long bears on our being saved; our salvation is a prerequisite to Living in His Presence"

I shared my testimony of deliverance with you in the course of the week. What has emboldened me in the Lord ever since has been because yes, I falter and fell, but I always rise and come back stronger in the Lord, by His grace. I have been able, through His grace, to keep heaven in my focus. So, brethren, let’s heed what the Bible says that we should work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2: 12) in strict obedience to the Word of God. The whole essence of Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross was to ensure that we live in God’s Presence (Revelation 21: 1 - 5) because by His death, He has taken away the barrier that was between us and God (Romans 2: 22 – 25).

The fact that Jesus Christ says in that He will not cast anyone who comes to Him out (John 6: 37) settles the matter of being saved by living in His Presence. 

As regards living long, our Focus Scripture this morning is very explicit on that. We will agree that that is the last verse of the chapter of the Bible which talks about living in His Presence. 

I have said it severally that no true child of God is allowed to die anyhow or just  anytime.  That book of Isaiah 65: 20 assures us that there shall be no infant there who will not fulfill his days. The verse maintained  that the youngest there shall die at hundred; a sign that God is not happy with such persons.

"no true child of God is allowed to die anyhow or just  anytime."

I have taken my time to look through the Scriptures to determine the veracity of that God's assertion. I find out that it is very, very true. I saw from Genesis 25: 7 that Abraham died at the age of  175 years and his wife, Sarah died at 127 years (Genesis 23: 1). Noah, too lived to 950 years (Gently. 9: 29) while Job after all his tribulations still lived another 140 years (Job 42: 16). We could go on and on but for time and space. 

So, I maintain my stand in the Lord that none who lived in God's Presence died prematurely as we have all around us today among Christians. The Bible maintains that our lives are hidden in Christ with God (Colossians 3: 3). The meaning of that is that God stands, Christ is in Him, and our lives are in Christ. So, whatever will kill us prematurely must first have to take God out, then Jesus Christ before it could get to us. That is the reason God asserted it in Psalm 118: 17 that "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD."

As we close this morning, let me say that whenever I see a Christian being afraid of death, I get angry because the Bible, says that Christ Jesus had swallowed death up in victory. That is why we say, "o death, where is thy sting; o grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Corinthians 15: 55). See brethren, we need to break away from so many wrong teachings of the past. Let no one deceive you that you can't live beyond seventy as written in Psalm 90: 10. I do tell people that that Psalm was written in the wilderness when the children of Israel were sinning against God. That was when God cut off their days. But for us who have come to believe in Christ Jesus, the Bible says "the law of LIFE in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death".(Roman's 8: 1).

Finally brethren, remember that no one can live in God's Presence without being (saved)  born-again. And if one is saved, nothing says such could die prematurely except they got carried away by their own lusts and got knocked off by the devil. 

Till Monday when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him! 

N. B. Please, pray that God will help make your salvation sure in Him and destroy every covenant of premature death hovering over you. 


For questions and inquiries, please call 07064694037, or send a mail to bwgministries@yahoo or

Thanks, and God bless you! 


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