LIVING IN HIS PRESENCE: Be Acquainted with Him
Anchor Scripture: Psalm 24: 3
“Who shall ascend
into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?”
Focus Scripture: “. . . and he calleth his own sheep by name. . . .” –
John 10: 3
Greetings from the Throne of Grace!
When I finally agreed to start reading the Bible as a young
Christian, one of the major attributes of God that endeared me more to Him was
His forthrightness and His unwillingness to be economical with the truth. God
says it, just as it is!
One of such verses that convinced me that Christianity was “my kind of thing” is Matthew 7: 21
where Jesus Christ says, “Not
every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of
heaven; . . . .” Wow! Brethren,
this very verse of the Bible should not be taken literally by any serious
minded Christian because it has a very deep spiritual meaning in that one may
carry the title, Christian, for as
long as they want here on earth, but not make heaven at the end of times.
Reading further
down that portion of the Bible, verse 23, is another damning and piercing
declaration by the Saviour, saying, “. . . I never knew you; depart from me.
. .” Listening to some so-called Christians talk, I have found this to
be true that they don’t know God and God
does not know them. They are just like some kind of bastards, living out of
their biological fathers’ houses, which don’t bear the father’s name, neither
know the father nor the father knows them; yet claiming the fellow is their
father. Isn’t that laughable? Yeah, it is! But regrettably, that is what some Christians
today are: they neither know God nor
does God know them.
Are you one of such Christians? Yes, you are
if your knowledge of God depends only on what you were told about Him,
regardless of who told you (Luke 2: 42 -44). You are, if you are a Christian who
believes in fables and stories instead of the true Word of God (1 Timothy 1: 4,
4: 7; 2 Timothy 4: 4; Titus 1: 14). You are if your worship of God follows
some laid down rules and regulations called “doctrines”(1 Corinthians 2: 4 – 5,
3: 1 – 15). You are, if your church’s doctrines are weightier in your heart
than the True Word of God (1 Samuel 15: 22; Hosea 6: 6; Micah 6: 8; Matthew 23:
23; Galatians 5: 22 – 23). You are, if your worship of and service to God are
based on the traditions and customs of men (Mark 7: 8 – 13; Colossians 2: 8).
All these kind of afore-mentioned
Christians have never experienced God. Thus, they have no
personal experience of God. Such are Christians who believe anything they are
told and will never search in the Scriptures to know whether they are true or
not (Acts 17: 11). That is why it is for them to backslide without ever looking
back at the Cross of Christ.
For anyone willing
to FINISH STRONG, of course, every TRUE
CHILD OF GOD should aim to; the
personal knowledge of God should be paramount in their hearts. The hunger
should be there to get alone with God! I mean, the ravenous desire to be
possessed by and always be directed by the Holy Spirit MUST be foremost in
their hearts (Psalm 42: 1). They should not be contented by just listening to
tapes or reading books. As a young Christian then, of course, I am still growing, there are times I will wake up in the
night and be praying, crying, telling God, “I want to know more of you. I want
to have more of you. My knowledge of you is not yet enough; I want more, more,
and more of you”! One of my favourite songs in prayer then was Deeper in Love, by Don Moen. I will be
crying, singing that song, over and over again. I did that for many years
because I was hungry for God having been convinced by the Holy Spirit that I
needed more of Him. Of course, I am not there yet, and I keep striving to know
more of Him, every second of the day.
Brethren, as we
close this morning, getting acquainted with God, having a deeper knowledge of
Him in a non-negotiable task we MUST all undertake if our desire to FINISH
STRONG is to be realized. It is when we know him that we can live in His
presence. The Bible tells us of the seven sons of Sceva, in Acts 19: 11 – 16,
who was told thus, by an evil spirit: “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are
ye?” I pray that won’t be your testimony in Jesus Christ’s mighty
name. Amen.
Till tomorrow when
we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together,
please, keep keeping on in Him.
N. B. Please, pray that God will reveal
more of Himself to you and take you through the REAL CHRISTIAN experience in
Jesus Christ’s mighty name. Amen.
God bless you! Amen.
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