WAIT UPON THE LORD: Use His Strength

Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 40: 31
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” 

Focus Scripture: “He will keep the feet of his saints . . . ; for by strength shall no man prevail.” – 1 Samuel 2: 9

Scripture References: Exodus 14: 1 – 30; 2 Chronicles 32: 1 – 8; Nehemiah 8: 9 – 12; 1 Samuel 17: 26 – 54; Psalm 18: 2 – 19; 2 Cor. 3: 5, 10: 3 - 5

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

I may not know about you, but for me, what the Holy Spirit did this week is to help me to see what it really means to “wait upon the Lord”, which ordinarily are ways or what we should be doing when we say we are waiting upon the Lord.

In today’s lesson, being the last edition of this series, God wants to show us one more thing that waiting upon the Almighty means. Many a time, men stood in God’s way of doing the miraculous in their lives simply because they believe they could do it themselves as often taught by the wisdom of the world called motivation. Sometimes, a Christian would deny believing in themselves simply because they come to church and also pray. But praying does not necessarily mean trusting in or relying on God.

God endowed every one of us with different talents and abilities, and the Bible makes it clear that God will not take them back (Romans 11: 29). Even at that, God still expects us to rely on Him in certain situations. That is why our anchor Scripture this morning states it categorically that “by strength shall no man prevail”. No one else is in a better position to tell us that than a woman, Hannah, who had been barren for years and may have tried many ways and means to conceive, but for and to whom they all turned abortive.

For many of us today, the only undoing we have is our over-reliance on the gifts and talents God graciously bestowed on us. Most times, we don’t realize this error until God decides to obstruct our way and grind us to a halt. I know this very well because I was once in that error. I trusted so much in my innate academic abilities to do and achieve whatever until God decided to humble me.

Brethren, if Moses had rested in his own strength, the Israelites would have either ended their journey at the Red Sea or be led back to Egypt to continue their slavery. If Joshua relied on his strength and those of the children of Israel, the wall of Jericho wouldn’t have fallen flat before them and the Promised Land would have remained a mirage. If Nehemiah’s hope to rebuild the fallen walls of Jerusalem was in his own strength, Samballat and Tobiah would have stopped him. When David confronted Goliath, he made the giant understand that he was coming against him with the strength of the Almighty. If Daniel remembered his praying ability, the Babylonian lions would have had a field day with his flesh.

The strength of God to us is like leverage. It works the miraculous. It brings about effortless successes and achievements. Its presence is what makes the weak look strong and the poor look rich. When we drop our strength and depend solely on His strength, we could achieve feats untold. That is when we “shall run, and not be weary; and . . . shall walk, and not faint”.

As we close this morning, let us take heed to the Word of God that says, “that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill . . .” (Eccl. 9: 11). But by using the strength of God, you could be sure of a surer standing like mount Zion (Psalm 125: 1). So, drop your own strength; use God’s strength by letting Him know and see how powerless and helpless you are without Him.

"The strength of God to us is like leverage!"

Till Monday when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him. 
We will like to have your feedback on the content of this Christian blog. Please, tell us whatever you may feel we need to work on. We will prayerfully consider it and see their workability. 

And if you are being blessed by the Word of God herein, share it or invite your friends to also come and enjoy the goodness of God.

Thank you and God bless.


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