Know Your God 2

Anchor Scripture: ". . . : but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." - Daniel 11:32

Scripture References: Exodus 32: 1 - 10; Daniel 3: 8 - 30; John 3: 27 - 36;

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

Our God is good to us and He is  always ready to teach and lead us in the path that we should go. Glory to His Holy Name!

Yesterday,  the admonition was for us to know our God.  That is, we should have a personal testimony of and about God. This  will  emanate from having personal encounters with Him. And we can only have this if only we seek Him out. I  always telll people that it is how much you know about God that will determine how far you can go with Him. Unfortunately, most Christians today don't have this requirement, but are Christians, based solely on what other people, parents, friends, pastors and others told and are telling  them about God. What I want you to know is that God is  bigger than whatever anyone, and even the sum of all that everyone might tell you about Him.

Many may have wondered why many Bible characters succeeded but some others failed. What made the difference was their personal experiences with God. Check David and Saul up. Meditate and ask for insight about Daniel, too.

"it is how much you know about God that will determine how far you can go with Him"

When one knows their God, the first thing they gain is spiritual insight, far and beyond human comprehension. Such people seize to be subjects to what the Bible calls philosophies and wisdom of men as we see the Athenians we read about yesterday did. Contrast Apostle Paul and those Athenians.

The second thing one gains by knowing their God is freedom from idolatry. Many Christians today are practicing idolatry because who they serve and worship is not God but a man who had succeeded in shielding them away from the knowledge of  God by corrupting the Word of God for his personal gains. The church in Corinth began that practice, but Apostle Paul quieted them down. Unfortunately, the practice is rampant today.

Our anchor Scripture today points to the third and last point I want to mention today. When one knows their God, they are empowered to do exploits, not only for themselves, but principally for the Kingdom of God. The reason many of us Christians are not making much impacts is because we don't know our God!  The maxim remains a truism; no one can give what they don't have. My Senior Teacher, the Holy Spirit says I should add here that there are many men in the Christendom today, doing exploits for themselves, but not Him, not the Kingdom of God. It still boils down to not knowing their God because they are the ones increasing, not God or His Kingdom. Juxtapose their attitudes with that of John the Baptist when he was compared to Jesus Christ. He said,   He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30).

"The reason many of us Christians are not making much impacts is because we don't know our God!"

As we close today, if all you know about God are what you have been told, then you still don't know Him, and I doubt if you are any of His. By implication, FINISHING STRONG with and in Him may become a pipe dream. But seek Him out and you will find Him!

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please keep keeping on in Him.


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