UNDERSTANDING THE WILL OF GOD: Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 55:8 
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”  

Focus Scripture: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” – Proverbs 3: 5

Scripture Reference: Numbers 14: 39 - 45

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

Yesterday, the Holy Spirit made known to us that what is called the Will of God is God’s plan or Wish for us as His children, and that these cannot be changed by anyone or anything if we stick with Him.

Sometimes, we tend to believe in ourselves because of some things such as talents, ability, resources, knowledge and or wisdom. Because of these things and many more, we take decisions without honouring God in our thoughts. At the end, God makes a mess of whatever venture we embarked on. Such was the Israelites in Numbers 14: 39 - 45.

As said yesterday, just as each man has a thought or will for themselves, so is God for every man. But usually as humans, we have some inalienable limitations, such as inability to see and know beyond the present, by which it could become suicidal relying solely on our own thoughts or will for ourselves because of future unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, to avoid destruction that lurks in the way, we must never lean on our own understanding to do anything.

Another reason we should not “lean on our understanding” (Pro. 3: 5) is that we did not create ourselves, nor any other thing in the whole universe with which we would interact to reach our destination, but God did! Essentially, we must understand that the achievement of our goals is the result of interplays between and among many factors and elements which the Bible tells us, were made by and for Christ Jesus (John 1: 1 -3) and all of which stand together as one in Him (Col. 1: 16).

Another sure reason to work with the Will of God for our lives is that contrary to what we often believe, the Bible says we are incapable of directing our own steps to reach and achieve our desired will (Jer. 10: 23); therefore, God promised to see us through (Psalm 32: 8). And we know that He’s not a man that He should lie; whatever He says, He does (Num. 23: 19).

As we close this morning, as TRUE children, we MUST come to the understanding that God knew us even before we were born (Jer. 1: 5) and His thought towards us are of good (Jer. 29: 11). Without Him, we would amount to nothing (John 15: 5). The truth is that God always know what’s best for us and we could get to it without stress. Besides, He has the capability to scatter whatever we plan for ourselves. We must therefore ALWAYS submit to His Will. We should never be oblivion of our limitations as humans. No man who leans on His own understanding, jettisoning God's Will will ever FINISH STRONG. such men crash on the way;  ask King Saul. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.

N. B. Please pray that God will, as from this moment, begin to have His way in your life.
 God bless you! Amen.

NB: for questions and inquiries, please call 07064694037 or send a mail to bwgministries@yahoo.com.


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