Anchor Scripture:
Isaiah 40:31
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

Focus Scripture: "I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry." - Psalms 40:1  

Scripture References: Genesis 12: 1 - 5, 21: 1 - 5; Psalm 40: 1 - 17; Ecclesiastes 3: 1 - 8; 1 Samuel 13: 6 - 14; 2 Peter 3: 1 - 9

Greetings from the Throne of Grace! 

The above anchor Scripture for this week was one of the first "slangs" I happened to hear often from Christians early in my Christian pilgrimage. It was and is still often used when people go on fasting. They will say "they are waiting upon the Lord". However, my Senior Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God explained that Scripture better later, and that is what He planned to do this week by the grace of God, by teaching us the different elements of "waiting upon the Lord".

We are in a fast-paced world, no doubt! But the truth we need to be alive to as Christians is that it is the world that is in a needless haste, our God's ever patient disposition remains intact. 

So, one of the elements of "waiting upon the Lord" is unperturbed patience. This is a patience that can not be provoked by anything or anybody. It is a patience that does not envy other people's achievement. It is a patience that is devoid of any kind of anxiety. This is a patience that does not have either a wristwatch or a calendar. This patience is one that doesn't mind being derided by others around it.  It is a patience that looks like total inactivity or docility to an ordinary mind when they see one engage in it. But it is a patience that works silently without anyone noticing it. 
"God's kind of patience has neither a wristwatch nor a calendar because it is aware that there is time for everything ."
Many Christians today are the direct opposite of what has just been described. They are anxious and envious, yet, they engage in fasting and say, "I'm waiting upon the Lord." Which Lord, please?

David, who wrote our focus Scripture today didn't lie, but many Christians today don't read their Bibles, rather, they listen to and act on what their pastors say. For a better understanding of this concept of patience, go and read Psalm 69. May the Lord grant us understanding in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Abraham, Hannah, David, Job and Joseph are good examples of patient children of God. They all had their own share of waiting patiently for the Lord, and He answered them at last. They did not only triumphed over the storms that confronted and besieged them, they all also FINISHED STRONG in and with the Lord. On the flip side, King Saul who was hasty in offering sacrifice to God instead of waiting for Prophet Samuel did not only lose the kingdom to a more patient David, he also never FINISHED STRONG in and with God; his name became a curse. 
"King Saul who was in haste lost the kingdom to a more patient David."
As we close today brethren, as said earlier, we are in a fast-paced world, but we are not of the world. Our style of living must, at all times, reflect the nature of where we came from and are going back to, heaven. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him! 


  1. The message is brief, clear and powerful, only the holy spirit can help to decipher and apply. Christ will continue to inspire you share the depth of God.


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