Speak in Christ 2

Anchor Scripture: "For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes."Matthew 7:29

Scripture References: Acts 4: 13 - 31; Romans 8: 14 - 20; 2 Timothy 1: 7 - 14; 2 John 8 - 11

Greetings from the Throne of grace!

Yesterday, the Lord took us through what Speaking in Christ means. Today, He will lead us through the importance. I pray He grants us a heart of understanding in Jesus' name. Amen.

The first noticeable importance of speaking in Christ for a true child of God is that it emboldens. That is, such a child of God receives inexplicable boldness from the Spirit of God to propagate the gospel, not minding what may happen. We could prove this when we juxtapose how Christ's disciples feared the Sanhedrin prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit and after the Spirit has been given to them. That is why Apostle Paul declared that we are not given the Spirit of fear.

Another thing is that when we choose to speak in Christ, we receive unmistaken authority from God. It is this authority that backs us up and convinces our listeners whenever we preach the Word to people that we know what we are talking about. It is also this authority that enables us to perform miracles without faking it as we see some people do today.

As we round off today, speaking in Christ is an inalienable characteristic that must be found in anyone who calls themselves a child of God, else, such a person may end up not FINISHING STRONG in and with God.

Till we meet tomorrow again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please keep keeping on in Him! 


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