HOW TO BECOME A TRUE CHILD OF GOD: Beware of Unbelievers

Anchor Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: 18
"And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

Focus Scripture: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, . . . and I will receive you," 2 Corinthians 6:17  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

God, our Father, had always been very critical about who and or the kind of people His children should and could be friends with. Right from the time He set out to deliver the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt, the most important warning He gave them was joining themselves with the inhabitants of the lands they were going to occupy. He warned them to the extent that they must not do intermarriage with them. Such was the importance God attached to His children's choice of company. 

However, what became of Christianity after the exit of the foremost Apostles? Christians changed the laws of God under the guise that they want to win the souls of the unbelievers for God. First, they changed the Sabbath of God to a day when the god of sun is worshipped. Then, they started importing the traditions and customs of the world into the church of God. Little by little, idolatry, disguised as worship to God,  took over the entire body of Christ. The question I have always asked is that why was it that it was or should be Christians who should change in order to accommodate the unbelievers? This changes had led to the modifications of God's laws and preferences which had allowed untold sins into the body of Christ. Part of the consequences of the bending to accommodate the unbelievers is the kind of dressing, drumbeats and dancing we find in our midst today. 

Two days ago, my wife and I were singing some gospel hymns together and we got talking about dancing and all sorts in the church today. She then asked me whether the Bible didn't approve of drums when I told her that the evil dance steps in the church today was due to the use of drums of different kinds. To her amazement, the word "drum" was not mentioned for once in the Bible when we searched it out. 

About four weeks ago when we were taking on a trip through the series "Asserting Your Peculiarity", by the Holy Spirit, we were admonished to "Let Your Light Shine." Under this very topic, we were warned by the Holy Spirit that we have no business, as the lights of the world, blending with the darkness in the world and that at all times, we must stand distinguished from the darkness in the world which we are to overcome. Sincerely speaking, the reason darkness rules in the church today was and has remained that the church, which is supposed to bring Light into the darkness of the world has blended with the darkness it was built up to eradicate. And I won't deceive you, many pastors like it so because in it they make money by "teaching" spiritual warfare every now and then. By such teachings, they keep you focused on the darkness around and you continue to patronize them, deluding and deceiving yourselves that you are serving God. 

Why must it be Christians that have to bend to accommodate unbelievers? In the book of Genesis 26, despite how much Isaac needed Abimelech and his people for survival and despite all the hardships they caused him, he never made any alliances with them. Instead, when they asked him to leave, he went away from them. But God glorified Himself in his life, and those who ere despised him came to him, saying, they could see that God was with him. 

The book of 1 Corinthians 15: 33, the Bible says "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." In agreement with that Biblical admonition, my people also has a saying that literally says, "a sheep that relishes the company of dogs will feed on faeces." God's warning against His children mingling with unbelievers is hinged principally on the fact that the unbelievers would change their behaviours and turned their hearts away from God. Believe it or not, that's exactly what happened in the lives of Cain, Esau, Solomon and Ahab, to mention just a few. That singular reason of mingling with unbelievers shipwrecked their relationships with God and ruined their lives. I pray that won't be your testimony in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen.

As we close this morning brethren, it is a shame for a true child of God to believe that their means of livelihood is in the hands of an unbeliever and so because they must eat mix themselves with unbelievers. The book of  John 3 : 27 and Acts 17: 24 - 25 makes it clear that God is the giver of all things, including our breath. If truly God is your Father, why do you erroneously believe that your Father will put you at the mercy of an unbeliever against His Own Personal commandment? Let me tell you another truth here: what is making you subservient to unbelievers is your sins. And how could and would you not live in sins when all your friends are sinners?

Finally this morning, God commands us in our Focus Scripture this morning to come out from among them and be separate from them. It is only then that He will receive us and turn us into His TRUE CHILDREN and He will be our Father. Kindly stop deceiving yourselves: for as long as you keep your unbelieving friends, you cannot be acceptable to God. The implication of that is that He cannot be your Father and you are not His child because God, for any reason whatsoever, will never break His Word. Beloved brethren, no one whose Father is not God will ever FINISH STRONG because He is our strength and wisdom as it is written that in Acts 17:28 thus: "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring."
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Please, pray that God will, by His divine mercy, separate you from every ungodly companies in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 
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Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.


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Jesus loves you!


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