Anchor Scripture: John 6: 63
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: . . . ."

Focus Scripture: ". . . how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" Luke11:13  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

Out of all the kinds of prayers there are, the most prevailent, which man prays most, is the prayer of request. And surprisingly, what man needs most, but which they least ask for is the Holy Spirit of God. Brethren, all through this almost eighteen years in the ministry, I can tell you that what rules in the different denominations I have been to is spiritual ignorance. I have seen people in prayer sessions lasting days, and running into weeks, without asking for the Holy Spirit of God. I have always said that if anyone is Spirit-filled, they don't need long hours of prayers because even the Bible says that we don't even know how to pray, it is the Holy Spirit that prays for us with groans that no mouth can explain. Do you now see where the spiritual ignorance I spoke about above comes in? For if the Holy Spirit is the one praying for you, does it not make more sense to spend more time asking for more and more of the Spirit rather than the things the Holy Spirit has already prayed for?
"surprisingly, what man needs most, but which they least ask for is the Holy Spirit of God."
While I won't blame anyone for this, I seriously want us to know this morning that Who or what we need most, and which we MUST EARNESTLY SEEK, IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. I will rather pray for a whole day asking for more and more of the Holy Ghost than spend an hour asking for material things which are my rightful heritage as a child of God (Matthew 6: 33b). Brethren, what is keeping many children of God under perpetual bondage is nothing, but the absence of the Holy Spirit. The reason we lack basic things of life is because we lack the Holy Spirit. The reason we fall sick and even sometimes, die with the sickness is the absence of the Holy Spirit. The reason we fall into errors in our judgements and make costly mistakes is not because we lack wisdom as many of your pastors preach, but because of the absence of the Holy Spirit. The reason we dont know God even after spending many years as a Christian is the absence of the Holy Spirit. The reason you are always looking for your pastor, prophets and what have you, is the absence of the Holy Spirit.
" I will rather pray for a whole day asking for more and more of the Holy Ghost than spend an hour asking for material things which are my rightful heritage as a child of God"
Beloved brethren, maybe I need to mention that the only Channel through which God and all the riches of His glory could get to any man is the Holy Spirit. That is the reason no true child of God has any excuse to be poor to the extent of begging for bread. Though, your beginning may be small, the Bible says your latter end shall be greatly enlarged. So, even if you beg at the beginning of your journey with God, you can be rest assured that you shall lend unto nations hereafter. Whatever any man gets outside the Holy Spirit is not of God. Unfortunately, that is what is much in the Christendom today.
"the only Channel through which God and all the riches of His glory could get to any man is the Holy Spirit"
I spoke of more and more of the Holy Spirit there, not that there are more than one of Him, of course THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, but there is what is called,  GROWING IN THE SPIRIT. So, when I said "more and more of the Holy Spirit", what I meant is to continue to grow in the Spirit of God. I must warn that this is very necessary if we must come to fullest manifestation and knowledge of God, the Father. The School of the Holy Spirit is like our regular secular schools where one moves from one class to another; that is the growing we are talking about. That is why the Bible speaks about giving people the milk, not solid food because they are still babes. Mention must be made however that many people got fixated in their first class because they got carried away with their first experience with and or of the Holy Spirit. That could lead to spiritual suicide. So, desire to grow!
"The School of the Holy Spirit is like our regular secular schools where one moves from one class to another"
As we close this morning, beloved brethren, as our Focus Scripture espoused, God is ever willing to pour His Holy Spirit on us now in this dispensation of Christianity as He has ere promised in the book of Joel 2: 28 - 29. It is the fulfillment of that great promise that we see in Acts 2: 2 - 4. The onus therefore is on us to ask for the Holy Spirit of God.
"God is ever willing to pour His Holy Spirit on us now in this dispensation of Christianity"
Finally, let me reiterate what was taught yesterday: the Holy Spirit is God's stamp on every believer that they are true children of God. It therefore follows that if anyone says they are children of God, but do not have the Holy Spirit, it doesn't matter who they are and or their positions in the church, they deceive themselves because it is written "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8: 14). It is very sure brethren, in fact, IT IS THE SUREST THING EVER THAT NO ONE WHO LACKS THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL FINISH STRONG AND SUCH WON'T MAKE HEAVEN. And remember without giving your life to Christ Jesus, you cannot have the Holy Spirit. Brethren, my Teacher says I need to add that it is very possible to wrongly assume that one has the Holy Spirit, especially when one has one or more of His gifts, but the truth is that one cannot have Him without knowing it. He promises to teach us, soon too, 'how to know you have the Holy Spirit.'
"it is very possible to wrongly assume that one has the Holy Spirit, especially, when one has one or more of His gifts"
N. B. Pray and ask for the Holy Spirit of God. He will give you in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG, please, keep keeping on in Him!


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Jesus loves you! 


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