Anchor Scripture: John 6: 63
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: . . . ."

Focus Scripture: "Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.- Acts 8:17

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

Early Christians of old perfectly understood Who the Holy Spirit is and His inalienable importance both to the person having Him and more importantly, to the Christian race. That's why they heeded Christ's instruction not to go to anywhere or do anything (Luke 24: 49) until the promise was fulfilled in Acts 2: 1 - 4. Also, they knew no one can live the strict actual Christian lifestyle without the Holy Spirit. That informed their non-acceptance of anyone who has not been baptized and imparted with the Holy Spirit into their midst.
"no one can live the strict actual Christian lifestyle without the Holy Spirit."
Today, the reverse is the case in most ministries because as long as anyone has confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, and attended some lectures, it is believed that they already have the Holy Spirit. The result of the assumed beliefs is the unprecedented proliferation of the body of Christ Jesus and the pulpit that we see and hear about everyday and everywhere.
"The result of the assumed beliefs is the unprecedented proliferation of the body of Christ Jesus and the pulpit that we see and hear about everday and everywhere"
Before we believe or conclude that someone carries the Holy Spirit, let's give them the Mark 16: 17 - 18 test. Just as the Holy Spirit said yesterday, it is very possible to assume that someone already has the Holy Spirit, especially when they exhibit gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, it must be said that having or exhibiting the gifts of the Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean that someone is a carrier of the Holy Spirit. For example, I can give out my clothes or other personal effects to someone or even some people. Assuming that that person or those people wearing those clothes are my family or that they live in my house would be very wrong because I may not even know them nor they know me.
"having or exhibiting the gifts of the Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean that someone is a carrier of the Holy Spirit."
As put forward by our Focus Scripture this morning, one of the best ways to receive the Holy Spirit is through the laying of hands on a desiring and consecrated person by an elderly person in Christ. Please, note that what is said here is ELDERLY PERSON IN CHRIST NOT ELDERLY PERSON IN CHURCH. That clarification becomes necessary because there are many stillborn who have stayed long in the church without knowing or having the Holy Spirit. They may have attained and obtained any title in your church by which they are classified as elders, it still doesn't mean that they carry the Presence of God manifested by having the Holy Spirit.
"one of the best ways to receive the Holy Spirit is through the laying of hands on a desiring and consecrated person"
Many parts of the book of Acts of Apostles have this practice, and so we could conclude that it is heavenly-ordained. It must however be noticed that one, those imparted with the Holy Spirit came willingly to give their lives to Christ Jesus, and not necessarily after some cajoling sermons often designed with many of Jesus Christ and His Apostle's miracles to subtly force an unwilling heart on God. When such happens, such people's confession of Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour may not be from their hearts because they have a target which is to be a partaker of the miracles mentioned in the sermon. That is the reason there are many stillborn amongst us in the church today. And when their target miracles are not met within a specified period of time which they set for themselves, they turn into another thing in the body of Christ or they totally backslide. Two, the people imparted didn't pay for it. So, whenever any ordination is done for which money has been paid, what is received cannot and is not the Holy Spirit of God. The person who offered money to buy the Holy Spirit in the Bible didn't get it, rather, he gor damnation (Acts 8: 18 - 21). And the one who tried to circumvent the truth because he lacked the Holy Ghost got blindness. Little wonder then, that there are many blind people on the pulpit today, preaching heresies and telling stories and fabbles  (Acts 13: 6  - 11).
"Whenever any ordination is done for which money has been paid, what is received cannot and is not the Holy Spirit of God. "
As we close this morning brethren, the Holy Spirit could be gotten through impartation when the Impartation comes at no cost to the beneficiary. But if you offer or pay money for impartation of the Holy Spirit, you are another Simon and damnation awaits you. And anyone who collects money to impart you with the Holy Spirit is not doing the work of God, and what you will get definitely cannot be the Holy Spirit of God.
"the Holy Spirit could be gotten through impartation when the Impartation comes at no cost to the beneficiary."
Finally brethren, it must be mentioned that many cunning people had been, are and will still come into Christendom with many tricks. The practice actually in almost all the ministries there are today is to ask you to pay for ordination into a church position or title during which they will pour oil on you and pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit for the service of God. All that is a lie from hell. No true ordination for God's services should involve money. People who do that, the offerers and the takers, may NEVER FINISH STRONG, no matter who they are or whatever they are called or they call themselves, if they don't repent.
"No true ordination for God's services should involve money."
N. B. Please, pray that God will heal His church that His truth may take over and His Spirit purge the church of wron practices. Pray also that you will not fall into the error of wrong Impartation in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.


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Jesus loves you! 


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