Anchor Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: 18
"And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

Focus Scripture:
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" - John 1:12  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

In the book of 2 Timothy 2: 20, the Bible speaks of how in a great house there are different kinds of vessels made of different materials and which are therefore fit for different uses; some by the Master, while some not. Like this great house is God Himself, Whom many people on earth call their Father. In actual fact, we may all claim God to be our Father, albeit in a general sense because He created us all, but the truth is that He knows those who are His TRUE children (John 10: 14, 27).
"in a great house there are different kinds of vessels made of different materials and which are therefore fit for different uses"
However, the book of Galatians 6: 7 makes us understand that God cannot be deceived, except one will be deceiving oneself. One thing I have found amazing in the world and which has become obtainable in the Christendom too, is that people tell lies and they believe their own lies. One thing we must however understand is that God is not like we humans who crave children. To this end, whether we existed or not, He will still be God; He's been God before He even created heaven and earth. So, let no man think that God is in dire need of children or that calling ourselves His children adds anything to His divinity. Definitely not!
"whether we existed or not, He will still be God; He's been God before He even created heaven and earth."
However, because He created us for His own Pleasure (Revelation 4: 10), He wants us to come unto Him. That is the reason He has offered, according to our Anchor Scripture this morning, saying, He will be our Father and we shall be His children. We must note, however, that this offer of Father-children is not a forced one (Genesis 6: 3). This reminds me of a guy during my university days. Anytime he was accosted to stop sinning, he would remind us of ". . . in my Father's house. . . (John 14: 2)., saying he doesn't want a mansion in heaven, he would be contented with just a room, even at the 'boy's quarter. So, also today, anyone could choose to remain amongst the "general children" because God is their Creator, and remain unknown to Him. But, I tell you the truth in Christ, you could be something better than that; A TRUE CHILD OF GOD, whom God loves and with all the benefits of being just that.
"anyone could choose to remain amongst the "general children" because God is their Creator, and remain unknown to Him"
One thing I have however come to admire about God is that He NEVER leaves us in limbo; He will always provide an answer to every riddle of His. That is why in our Focus Scripture this morning He tells us what to do to become His TRUE children. I see it as a shame to be calling yourself a Christian, attending churches upon churches and at all times, but not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you are such a person, you're just one of the "general children" who neither know God nor does God know them. No "good work" qualifies anyone to become a TRUE CHILD of God. One who is not even a child of God cannot be good and can therefore, not be able to do good works (Matthew 7: 17 - 18). Likewise, going to church or carrying and reading the Bible don't qualify anyone as true a child of God. Becoming a pastor or even founding and or building a church neither also qualifies anyone as true child of God. The only way to becoming a TRUE CHILD OF GOD is by receiving and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. And this must be genuinely done, not perfunctorily and or nonchalantly, but with a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51: 17).
"The only way to becoming a TRUE CHILD OF GOD is by receiving and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour."
As we close this morning, let it be known to you that living a good life, probably devoid of the common challenges of life, and which masquerades as answers to your prayers is a sign of being a true child of God. Your good life is only a testimony of God's goodness and benevolence towards you, and it will be counted against you on the Last Day because you're like a tree that drinks the water and use all the nutrients in the soil, but brings out no fruits. Such a tree can never FINISH STRONG because it will be hewn down and cast into fire. May this not be our lots in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen.

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Please, pray seriously and repent of all your sins and invite Jesus Christ into your heart with ever seriousness. 

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!


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Jesus loves you! 


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