Anchor Scripture: John 6: 63
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: . . . ."

Focus Scripture: "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.- Jeremiah 1: 5

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

Another way, and which I considered the most potent and authentic means of receiving the Holy Spirit is by special divine appointment.

The other ways of receiving the Holy Spirit which we discussed earlier are often prompted, and could be obstructed and corrupted by man. That is the reason many people who have received the Holy Spirit and enjoyed His grace by manifesting may suddenly become empty and ordinary because of one thing or the other which they did contrary to the dictates of the Holy Spirit and because of which the Holy Spirit has ledt them. That's why we often read in the Bible that "the Spirit of God left him."

However, when the Holy Spirit is bestowed on someone by special divine appointment, they are often more resilient, potent and persevering. The most amazing thing about this means is that no matter how bad or sinful what the beneficiary did, the Holy Spirit doesn't live them. A handful number of men in the Bible enjoyed this special grace. They include, Samson, Jeremiah and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

People who enjoyed this grace are usually chosen before they were born at all and they oftentimes have special assignments to execute for God. They may be aware of their being chosen and the required assignment or not. The percentage of these people who FINISHED STRONG is higher than that of people who got the Holy Spirit, but not through special divine appointment.

Finally on this this morning, it must be made clear to us that no matter how we got the Holy Spirit, what's mostly important is that the Holy Spirit of God is one and comes from God, the Father. Another thing we may need to be clear about is that there is no big or small Holy Spirit. It is either you have Him or not. So, it is futile praying "I want more Holy Spirit". Rather, our prayer should be "I want to grow in the Holy Spirit of God."

N. B. Please, pray that God will consider you for special divine grace and appointment in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 


Till we meet tomorrow again on this beautiful journey of  FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.

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Jesus loves you! 


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