Anchor Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6: 18
"And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

Focus Scripture: "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors."  -
 James 2: 9

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

In Psalm 19: 13, David pleaded against one type of sin which is very common in our different denominations all over the places today; the sin of presumption. I know that many of us read that Psalm and especially now, that verse, without knowing what it means and we go away just like that. A deed is of presumption if done without proper authority or permission. It therefore becomes a sin, and according to the book of Numbers 15: 30 - 31, it wouldn't matter who the doer is, such a person is a transgressor, having contravened the law. 

The Bible repeatedly says that "God is no respecter of persons." (Deut. 10: 17, Romans 2: 11, Acts 10: 34). That means that ordinarily, before our Maker, we are all equal. God has no favourites. But how true is this about our different denominations and about us individually as we claim to be children of God? It was said under the series, ASSERTING YOUR PECULIARITY, that the world has taken over the church. The reason for that assertion is that most of the rules by which the world operates have become applicable in most denominations in the Christendom. And the worst of it is that Pastors, General Overseers, Founders and what have you make these discriminatory principles look so holy and sacrosanct because "that was how they received it." My usual question to slaves of religion who worship doctrines, believing they are worshipping God, following them through and through, has always been "received from who? " When did God start to contradict Himself and started authouring confusions? (1 Corinthians 14: 33).

In Matthew 5: 45 - 48, the Holy Spirit opened our eyes to the fact that God has no favourites as regards the distribution of His goodies because He does to both the righteous exactly what He does to the unrighteous. And in Ezekiel 18:4, talking about punishment for sins, God declared thus, "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die." The question now is is that true in our Christian denominations today? In distribution of positions and choosing people into committees, do we do same as the Person, Whose children we claim to be?Some even have sitting arrangements whereby some people are classified above the others based on some human parameters which are often presumptuously believed to be God-ordained.

Discussing some church practices with one of my sons in the Lord yesterday, I told him that following some of these church  practices, people might gain the world, but such would definitely lose their souls. And of what benefits will that be? As true children of God, our focus principally, must be on what will happen on the last day when we stand before the Great Throne according to Revelation 20: 11 - 15. Conversely, one evil I found in the church today is that people's attention is not on that Last Day, but principally on the earth. The eternity God put in their hearts have been successfully removed by their G. Os and Founders via heretic teachings.

As we close this morning, the book of James 2: 1 - 13, from where we picked our Focus Scripture this morning speaks explicitly of the kind of discriminatory practices that we must avoid if we really want to be true children of God. According to this Scripture, we must not prefer any man above the other by considering social status, outward appearances or any other factors for that matter. We must accept all men as equal. The practices in some congregations where congregants are, by human classifications, segregated into different parts belong to the Old Testament. Likewise, the practices of giving prominent or foremost seats in the church to the "big men" and the "best dressed " are of the Old Testament. And the Bible says God found faults with the Old, that's why He brought up the New (Hebrews 8: 7 - 9). That is the reason the Holy Spirit inspired Apostle James to pen that down so that we, who claim to be children of God today may see that God is no longer in support of such obnoxious practices. If we must become true children of God, we, either as church or individuals, MUST, as a matter of urgency, shun discrimination against persons for whatever reasons. Our Focus Scripture this morning says continuing in that will make us transgressors and God's eyes are too holy to behold iniquities (Habbakuk 1: 13).

Finally this morning, any child who does not have the father's characteristics is bastard. And God says in Deuteronomy 23: 2 that no bastard will be allowed into the congregation of His people, even unto the tenth generation. That means as many that claims to be God's children but do not have His characteristics aee bastard and they won't be counted among His people, but remain outside. It then means among those claiming to be children, there are dogs for the Bible says it is only dogs that stays outside (Revelation 22: 15). Beloved brethren, I hereby tell you that NO DOG WILL FINISH STRONG! 
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Please, pray for forgiveness of all sins of presumption and discrimination, either committed singularly as a person alone, or in obedience to church leadership or as a member of a congregation. Ask God for a new heart that loves all people in the same way, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. 
                  *                *               *
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him. 


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Jesus loves you! 


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