Anchor Scripture: John 6: 63
"John 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: . . . ."

Focus Scripture: "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" John 14:15-16  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

The series this week is a very common one that is often spoken about amongst Christians. In fact, the Holy Spirit has almost become a slang in some circles in the Christendom. The question however is how many people who knows the Holy Spirit has Him living in them?

My Teacher, the Holy Spirit Himself, says this topic becomes imperative because of His central role in the life of every child of God who is a believer. Yes,  you read right! MyTeacher said: "every child of God who is a believer" because there are many who claim to be children of God that aren't believers. He says we shall come to that, someday.

Now, to our topic; how to receive the Holy Spirit: Be Obedient. It is noteworthy that in His effort to introduce the third Person of the Triune God to the disciples, the first thing He said was that for anyone to receive the Holy Spirit, they must obey Him. I have said it severally that no Scripture stands alone, and when we read the two verses we use as Focus Scripture this morning, we will see that verse 16 is but the continuation of verse 15.

If the foregoing be true therefore, it follows that until someone obeys God's commandments, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will not ask the Father to release the Holy Spirit unto them. The reason is not farfetched, beloved brethren, the Holy Spirit is a gift of God to every believer, and He is the confirmation that such a believer is a true child of God, and Jesus Christ Himself had taught thus: ". . . It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." (Matthew 15:26).
"until someone obeys God's commandments, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will not ask the Father to release the Holy Spirit unto them."  
From verse 15 of our Focus Scripture, it is very clear that God recognizes only those who obey His commandments as the ones who love Him and according to verse 16, only those are the ones who are entitled to the Holy Spirit. 

I don't think we need to overlabour ourselves on what constitutes obedience. Simply put, it is doing the Will of God which are contained in His commandments. But doing what all the commandments say may prove very difficult for us (James 2: 10), that is why He sent His Only begotten Son for us to JUST BELIEVE IN HIM. So, the commandment we now need to obey is BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST. The moment we believe in Jesus Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit and obeying God's commandments becomes a very simple thing. The reason this is so will be unravelled soon, I believe.
"the commandment we now need to obey is BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST."
As we close this morning, I want to bring to your notice that except you believe in Jesus Christ, you are not yet a child of God (John 1: 12). And from what we discussed this morning, until you become a child of God by obeying Him, you are not entitled to the Holy Spirit because until you come under the influence and control of the Holy Spirit, heaven not recognize you as a child of God (Romans 8 : 14).
"except you believe in Jesus Christ, you are not yet a child of God"
Finally this morning, we need to come out from under the delusional beliefs of the past that attending church services, singing and praising God, praying long hours prayers, partaking in religious activities in your church, becoming a worker in your church and a whole lot of other nothingness is a prove that anyone is a child of God. In fact, calling the name of Christ Jesus, God and or the Holy Spirit does not yet confirm or qualify anyone as a child of God, but OBEYING HIM BY BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST.
"come out from under the delusional beliefs of the past"
N. B. Please, pray and give your life to Christ Jesus today.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!


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Jesus loves you! 


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