MAKING YOUR LIGHT SHINE: Be Conscious of God 's Presence

Anchor Scripture: Matthew 5:16  
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Focus Scripture: "And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not."  Genesis 28:16  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

In one of the lessons in the series, "How To Know The Will of God", we were schooled on the importance of having the Holy Spirit of God. For me as a person, it is a shame to call oneself a Christian, but not have the Holy Spirit. It is just like calling oneself the child of a father, but not have the right to bear the name of that father. Such a child is nothing else but a bastard. The reason behind this assertion is not farfetched; it is hinged on the fact that the Holy Spirit is God's stamp on a believer. He is the true mark of God on His children (John 1: 12; Acts 1: 8; Roman 8: 14) and this is evident all through the New Testament.
"it is a shame to call oneself a Christian, a child of God, but not have the Holy Spirit."
And that is one of the ills of the common brand of Christianity today; people become born-again without any experience of the Holy Ghost - thus, no Holy Ghost baptism, no speaking in tongues. I trust my Teacher to bring us back to all that someday in Jesus' name. Amen.

For anyone's light to so shine that people will give glory to God, such a person must be one that is always conscious of God's Presence. I remember we have also been taught about this in the past that as God's children, we are carriers of His Divine Presence. But the Holy Spirit is the form in which God can dwell in us. Not being conscious of God's Presence wherever we are is dangerous for us as Christians, and it is the reason many of us fall into avoidable errors.
"For anyone's light to so shine that people will give glory to God, such a person must be one that is always conscious of God's Presence."
Like Jacob in our Focus Scripture this morning, most of us are so deep in sleep, spiritually speaking, that we are either never conscious of God's Presence or have totally lost it. That is the reason we care not what we wear, say, do or where we go and with whom we mingle. In short, that's the reason most light could perfectly blend with darkness and have no problems doing so. And brethren, that's the reason Christianity is making so little an impact in the world today. That's why the darkness we are to dispel has taken over the pulpit and the congregation. That's why the pulpit can no longer inspire its people but have to invite people who are plainly of the world to come and tell their stories to inspire the congregation. That is why the pulpit's messages no longer bring about any changes in people's hearts because they don't inspire the necessary Godly sorrow whose result is usually "a broken spirit and a contrite heart". That's the reason we have "God's children" in His house who don't know their Father.
"most of us are so deep in sleep, spiritually speaking, that we are either never conscious of God's Presence or have totally lost it"
As we close this morning, I want us to know that we are lights inside "the Light of the world" Himself. Consequently, no light will shine that is not located inside the Light Himself or that is not conscious of the Light Himself. That is why He says in John 15: 7 that "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."
"we are lights inside "the Light of the world" Himself."
Finally this morning, beloved brethren, our FINISHING STRONG is a function of our lights shining such that people become aware of it and give glory to God. Our shining is dependent upon our location whether in or without Him and on our being conscious of God's Divine Presence at all times. And the Holy Spirit plays a very pivotal role here because He it is that brings us to the consciousness of God. That's why John 6: 63 says thus: "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: . . . ."
"our FINISHING STRONG is a function of our lights shining such that people become aware of it and give glory to God."
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!

N. B. Please, pray that God the mercy of God will wake you up from your spiritual slumber and will fill you up with His Holy Spirit that you will be conscious of God's Presence at all times, in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 


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Jesus loves you! 


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