DEVELOPING THE MIND OF GOD: Sacrifice The Many For The One

Anchor Scripture: Amos 3: 3
"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?"

Focus Scripture: "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: . . . that I may win Christ,
Philippians 3:8  

Greetings from the throne of Grace!

Man was created by God for God,  and God alone. The book of Genesis 3 gives the account of how God comes to visit man in the evening. That tells the kind of rapport that ere existed between man and his Maker. When this relationship lasted, God was at center of man's heart. Thus, man had no other desires outside God, his Maker. However, both man and God lost this beautiful relationship when Adam and Eve erred. Man fell and was consequently expelled from his comfort.
"Man was created by God for God"
With the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, God seized to be at the heart of man's actions, and other desires crept in because man had left the satisfying
presence of God. But the fact remains that the only place where man could enjoy rest and get satisfaction for his soul is in the Divine Presence of God. And the whole essence of God's redemption program is the restoration of His relationship with man.
"the only place where man could enjoy rest and get satisfaction for his soul is in the Divine Presence of God."
However, for this restoration to take place, God must return into man's heart and again become the center of man's actions and his only desires. That is, man must have the mind of God. But for that to happen, for man to gain God, God must first gain man. But the only way that would ever happen is for man to purge his heart of all the usurpers, (sinful desires) that took over after the unsavoury incident at Eden.
"for man to gain God, God must first gain man."
Understanding this principle, Apostle Paul, in our Focus Scripture this morning, says he left all he gained through those sinful desires and counted them as loss that he may win Christ. He, Paul, who was an accomplished Jewish lawyer became a servant of Christ Jesus and suffered severally in preaching the gospel of Christ. One therefore may not need to marvel that he excelled more than any other Apostle.

Jesus Christ laid down this principle of sacrificing the many to gain the One when He said " . . . If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)

As we close this morning brethren, we need to understand that if we really desire to develop the mind of God, God must return to His rightful place in our hearts; He must become the center of all our actions. And this will be possible when we could sincerely sing this song:

I surrender, I surrender all, (2ice)
Unto thee, my blessed Saviour,
I surrender all!
"if we really desire to develop the mind of God, God must return to His rightful place in our hearts; He must become the center of all our actions."
Finally, when we lose all things for Him, we have not really lost any, but gained them. But when we refuse to let go of all these things, we lose Him and lose all things.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him.

N. B. Pray that God will help you purge your heart of all sinful desires that have taken the place of God in your heart in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen.

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Thanks, and God bless you richly!


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