Anchor Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:"

Focus Scripture: ". . . how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? - Genesis 39:9  

Greetings from the Throne of Grace.

As true children of God and citizens of heaven, our major focus should be that our daily walk, in fact every step we take, brings us closer Home. The Scriptures say that God has put eternity in our hearts. We then have a duty to keep the eternity, with God and His Christ, in our focus if truly, we were to get there. That is all there is about the earthly ministry of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
"our major focus should be that our daily walk, in fact every step we take, brings us closer Home."
One fact remains however that eternity is not our church buildings where anyone could just walk into without being censored which is the reason there are all sorts of elements in the church today. So, even though we all call ourselves God's children, God's children here on earth and we attend one church or the other, know that eternity it is that shall eventually separate tares from the wheat (Matthew 13: 30).
"eternity is not our church buildings where anyone could just walk into without being censored"
In Psalm 24: 3, God asked the question of who will qualify at the end. And quickly, He gave us the answer in verse 4 that only those with pure hearts and clean hands shall eventually qualify to enter. And the book of Habbakuk 1: 13 states the reason. That should be food for thought for us as we take every step in this race back Home.

In our Focus Scripture this morning, Joseph could have laid with Portiphar's wife without anybody knowing about it and he could have continued for as long as he was permitted before he would be eventually caught and probably get killed. But Joseph feared God because he understood that his chastity matters before God. Unlike you and I today, Joseph understood that he would not be able to approach the Throne of Mercy with such filthiness. Does that apply to us today? Don't pastors and their wives finish fighting at home and they go to church to minister? Don't ushers steal from the offering bags and still lift up "holy hands"? What about the different elements we have in the choirs who sing with their sonorous voices? How chaste are they while ministering? And even amongst the congregation, are there no Achans who had stolen consecrated things (Joshua 7: ) and do abominably at their places of work which no one knew about? What about the Jezebels - their paintings, bogus hairstyles and revealing attires - in the church?
"But Joseph feared God because he understood that his chastity matters before God."
As a peculiar generation, all these matter. That your pastor isn't talking about it, but always tells you sweet things, does not mean that God is not concerned. Your pastor is only keeping mute in other to ensure that his weekly revenue that he gets from the congregation does not decline. But he shall be judged on the last day. Some of them may even assure you that it's your heart that matters before God. But let me tell you that God warned about us being stumbling blocks to other people's faith, even to the extent that if it is our food that will make others stumble, we must not eat the food (1 Corinthians 8: 9 - 13).
"That your pastor isn't talking about it, but is always telling you sweet things does not mean that God is not concerned."
So, as we close this morning, 1 John 5:17 says "all unrighteousness is sin: . . . ." We may not have touched on yours this morning, but just know that anything that contradicts the nature of God is sin. Galatians chapter 5: 19 -21 gives a list of those abominable acts. With acts like those, no one will ever FINISH STRONG. I pray we shall all FINISH STRONG in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. The grace for the race shall be bestowed upon us from above in Jesus' name Amen.
"anything that contradicts the nature of God is sin."
Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!

N. B. Please, pray that God will purge your heart of all filthiness and bestow mercifully upon you, the needed grace for the race from above that you may FINISH STRONG in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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  1. I've missed this daily dose for quite a number of days and it's tells on me, but all thanks to God to be back here... God bless you sir for your undiluted words

    1. Amen. Thanks too for your encouragement and mostly for your hunger for the true Word of God. You're blessed!


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