Anchor Scripture: 1 Peter 2: 9
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" 

Focus Scripture: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.- Matthew 5: 16

Greetings from the Throne of Grace!

One of the peculiarities we imbibe when we become born-again is that we become the light of the world (Matthew 5: 14). In fact, that’s the major reason all things become new (2 Cor. 5: 17) having left behind, the “unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph. 5: 11), because we have had redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” (Eph. 1: 7).

However, one of the things that the Holy Spirit has always impacted on my heart is that most of us who call ourselves Christians don’t really know who we are in Christ. And according to Him, that’s the reason we do a lot of what we do with flagrant disobedience to the Word of God.

In Matthew 5: 14, the Master Himself declares who we are. He, without batting an eyelid, says we are the light of the world and we cannot be hidden. The major assignment of the light is to chase away darkness so that the people will see clearly, to eradicate darkness without helping to propagate and perpetuate it. That is the reason darkness gets dispelled whenever light enters. Because Jesus Christ is the Light, He came to destroy the works of the devil (darkness), 1 John 3: 8, without taking part in the works of the devil.
"The major assignment of the light is to chase away darkness so that the people will see clearly, to eradicate darkness without helping to propagate and or perpetuate it."
Now, what does that teach us? It simply means that we can win the souls of sinners for Christ without taking part in their sins. Unlike most Christians and Christian organizations today who in the name of “winning the souls of winners for Christ” become part of the sins, the works of darkness they were chosen to destroy, Jesus Christ destroyed sins, but without becoming a sinner.
"we can win the souls of sinners for Christ without taking part in their sins."
Our Focus Scripture today admonishes us to let our lights so shine that our Father in heaven will be glorified when people see our good works. Beloved brethren, we seize to be light and of any good works as soon as we become part of the works of darkness we were chosen to dispel. For example, many Christians because they wanted to win smokers and prostitutes got involved in their atrocities. Many Christian denominations because they wanted to win rappers imported rap music, beats and dance into their midst by which the world crept into their midst and has since taken over.
"we seize to be light and of any good works as soon as we become part of the works of darkness we were chosen to dispel."
As we round off this morning, let it always be in our consciousness that we, as lights in the world, cannot cancel out darkness by becoming part of it. Yes, Jesus Christ loved sinners of His time and even dined with them, but he was never part of their works. A light that blends with darkness is no longer light. We are admonished thus: "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil;" (Exodus 23: 2a). Please, take note of that!
"we, as lights in the world, cannot cancel out darkness by becoming part of it."
Finally brethren, if we must FINISH STRONG, our light MUST shine such that there will be no doubts as to who we really are. It is a pity that there are many people today who call themselves Christians and children of God who bear no significant difference to the people of the world in every respects: in talking, dressing, dancing, the kind of songs they sing and listen to and what have you. As said yesterday, there are Christian denominations whose services are no different from club houses. We cannot deceive God (Gal.  6: 7). Anyone whose Christian lifestyle is like this may NEVER FINISH STRONG.

N. B. Please, pray that God will help you to shed off every work of darkness that you have become part of all in the name of winning their doers for Christ, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, keep keeping on in Him!

Jesus Loves you!

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  1. Today's message is an eye-opener, I pray you experience more of God sir!


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