Weekly Anchor Scripture: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” – Matthew 24: 13

Focus Scripture: Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak " -  Matthew 26:41  


I bring you greetings from the Throne of Grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Today's list of what we should do to endure to the end comes with two important things that our faith cannot do without if it must survive the devil's onslaughts in these last days, Watch and Pray. The Holy Spirit made it very clear to us in 1 Timothy 3: 1 - 7 that these last days would be (and already are) perilous. Mind you, the days wouldn't be perilous because people would die, but because many faith (of the people)  would be shipwrecked because they are not strong enough to withstand the devil's onslaughts. This is what will eventually lead to loss of their souls. 

"the days wouldn't be perilous because people would die, but because many faith (of the people)  would be shipwrecked because they are not strong enough to withstand the devil's onslaughts"

In the book of Matthew 26: 69 - 75, we saw what happened. Simon Peter, the leading light of the disciples denied his Master; not once, not twice, but three times. Why and how did this happen? Does it mean that he didn't love Jesus Christ and or His message anymore? The answer is no,  and latter events prove this answer to be true. What happened that he made those denials was just at that point, he was overcame by the fear of what the unbelievers who seized his Master would do to him. At that point, he forgot that he once walked upon the sea and that his mother was miraculously healed; feats he never thought were possible. At that point, he forgot all the miracles of the past because his faith had fled from him. 

Meanwhile, we must remember that earlier before the Master's arrest (Matthew 26: 36 - 46) he James and John had followed the Master into the Garden of Gethsemane and were asked to WATCH and PRAY for and with the Master, but they busy sleeping. The Master came back three times and met them like that. 

So, let's quickly talk about the concept of "watching." To watch in this context is to be alive to the tricks and devices of the devil by which he tempts us. In our Focus Scripture this morning, Jesus Christ told us the only  reason we need to watch and pray: THAT WE MAY NOT FALL INTO TEMPTATION. The issue of temptation is so important to our faith that earlier in His earthly ministry, while teaching us how to pray in Matthew 6, Jesus had included it among our prayer points, saying, "lead us not into temptation." Let's quickly point out here that God doesn't lead anyone into temptation, but man himself leads himself into it (read James 1: 13 - 14). Watching therefore calls for much of self-discipline and spiritual vigilance without which the devil could easily overpower our faith. These concepts are too heavy to be explained intoto here this morning, but I pray the Holy Spirit Himself will explain them in your heart in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Or He will give us an opportuned time to discuss them in the light of His Word in Jesus' name. Amen.  However, as a way of illustration, part of our watching duties is to be careful where we go and with whom we went. There are so many of us in the church today who: go where unbelievers go, do what unbelievers do, wear what unbelievers wear and even have unbelievers as close pals, forgetting what the Bible says that "friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4: 4)." I believe we have touched these things in some of our lessons in the past. And I pray that the Holy Spirit of God will remind us of them and keep them in our hearts at all times. Amen. 

"Watching therefore calls for much of self-discipline and spiritual vigilance without which the devil could easily overpower our faith."

As we close this morning, we won't do without touching on the issue of prayers, which is the second part of our discourse today. Let's make it clear here now that the kind of prayers Jesus called for, which is able to keep us from falling into temptations is not the materialistic and covetous prayers that have taken over the pulpit today because 1 Timothy 6: 9 makes the fate of those who want to be rich very clear. Jesus Christ Himself too told us which is easier between a carmel, big as it is, passing through the eyes of the needle (small as it is)  and a rich man entering the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19: 24). Therefore, the kind of prayers that save from temptations are heavenly-conscious and spirit-inspired  prayers. They are prayers that ask for more and deeper knowledge of God, not more and more money and connections. They are prayers that ask for more ability to love others as Jesus Christ loves us, not the ones that ask for enemies to die, etc. I pray the Holy Spirit of God will inspire us to pray more of these in Jesus Christ's mighty name. Amen. 

"the kind of prayers Jesus called for, which is able to keep us from falling into temptations is not the materialistic and covetous prayers that have taken over the pulpit today"

Finally this morning, to be able to "watch and pray" effectively during this perilous time, we need the help of the discerning Spirit of God. The Bible admonishes us to "test every spirit and see if they are of Christ " (1 John 4: 1 - 3). That is a task too much for the flesh. Remember, in our Focus Scripture this morning, the flesh has been adjudged weak. It is unfortunate that the one ruling and speaking from most pulpits today is no other than the devil himself. That is why many worldly methods of doing things and a lot of showmanship and dynamic personalities have taken over the church today. Beloved brethren, we have got to watch and pray so that these deceivers may not win our souls for their master, the devil. Our FINISHING STRONG and ENDURING TO THE END lie seriously in WATCHING and PRAYING, albeit, EARNESTLY! 

"to be able to "watch and pray" effectively during this perilous time, we need the help of the discerning Spirit of God."

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him! 

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Jesus loves you! 


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