Weekly Anchor Scripture: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” – Matthew 24: 13

Focus Scripture: “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” – Philippians 4: 4 


I bring you greetings from the Throne of Grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The only potent weapon the devil can boast of is lie. Jesus Christ calls him, “the father of lie” (John 8: 44). That is one thing that most Christians and even his own followers don’t know. Whatever he says or does is nothing but lies. That is why I always pity those who prosper through his methods because what they have are like mirages, like dreams of the night. So whether he brings you joy or sadness, whichever, it is all lies!

Permit me to say that very early in my Christian journey, the Holy Spirit helped me to realize this truth about the devil. So, aside not desiring anything from him, I learned not to regard whatever he brings my way. Of course, as a firm believer and one holding on to the true testimony of Christ, he has nothing to offer me than troubles (Revelation 12: 17). But each time he did his handiwork, I just look at him and laugh. It got to a point I told him that he should just forget about me because he has lost me already and there is nothing he can do to win me back to him. Stubborn as he had been from creation, he refused to give up and has not, eighteen years running!

I said above there that whenever the devil did his handiwork, I ALWAYS laughed. Yes! I ALWAYS laugh because I don’t allow whatever he did to get at me and trouble me because “I know my Redeemer liveth” (Job 19: 25) and I know that His thoughts towards me are good at all times (Jeremiah 29: 11). So, I long decided to wait for God’s plans, no matter how long it takes to materialize (Habakkuk 2: 3).

Beloved brethren, I will tell you the truth in the Holy Ghost. One of the greatest weapons we can use to conquer the devil in this end time is JOY. Principally, he does not have joy. He cannot even have it because JOY IS A FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. The devil hates seeing people rejoicing. It makes him mad to see people rejoicing. So, if we are really going to ENDURE TO THE END, we need to REJOICE ALWAYS!

But how does rejoicing always help us to endure to the end? This is the secret: first, downcasting and being sad at the slightest provocation from the devil could mean that we have lost hope in God and His Christ. It terribly affects our faith and shortens the hand of God from performing His promised deliverance. Again, failure to exhibit and exude JOY is a sign that we don’t have the Holy Spirit of God. And we must remember that we don’t have our own strength; it is the Spirit that strengthens us (John 6: 63) and the Spirit is God’s stamp on us that we are His children (Romans 8: 14). So, when we are joyful, it shows that we are in the Spirit and the Spirit in us, and there is no way the devil can overcome anyone that is in the Spirit (Psalm 91: 1).

As we close this morning, let me say that whenever any serious trouble comes, cry if you need to in order to release some pent-up tensions which could be injurious to our health. There is no need to pretend about this because we are humans. Even, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour wept (John 11: 32) when His friend, Lazarus died. However, what today’s lesson is telling us is that WE MUST NOT STAY LONG IN SORROW SO THAT THE DEVIL DOES NOT HIJACK IT TO SHIPWRECK OUR FAITH IN GOD. That is what the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2: 11 that “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”  If we must FINISH STRONG, brethren, we MUST NEVER become ignorant of the devil’s devices. I pray the Holy Spirit of God will always be there to strengthen us in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Till tomorrow when we shall meet again on this beautiful journey of FINISHING STRONG together, please, keep keeping on in Him!

 Jesus loves you!


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